Series 3 Chapter 25: The Man in Pursuit of Power!

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After leaving Petalburg City's Pokémon Center, we were at the door of the Pokémon Gym. Before we got in, Professor Birch stopped to greet us.

Professor Birch: Hello, everyone!

Brendan: Hey, Dad! What brings you to Petalburg City?

Professor Birch: I was doing some fieldwork before I saw you guys near the city limits.

Cameron: I was about to go in and take on the Gym.

Professor Birch: Well, I wish you luck.

We all thanked the Professor as we parted ways.

Once we entered the Gym, we saw Norman meditating in the sunlight. When he sensed us inside, he stood and gestured for me to come near.

Norman: I see that you made it. Are you ready for battle?

I nodded as I turned to Pikachu to start off the match.

Cameron: Ready to start?

Pikachu nodded and jumped onto the battlefield.

Norman sent out a Vigoroth!

I took out my Pokédex.

Pokédex: Vigoroth, the Wild Monkey Pokémon. A Normal-type. Unlike its pre-evolved form, Vigoroth is unable to stand still for very long. If so, the blood in its veins grow agitated, making it go on a rampage until it settles down.

Cameron: Pikachu, use Electro Ball!

Pikachu shot an Electro Ball!

Norman: Chip Away!

Vigoroth destroyed Electro Ball with Chip Away!

Norman: Use Focus Energy!

Vigoroth pumped itself up!

Cameron: Quick Attack!

Pikachu lunged forward!

Cameron: Use Thunderbolt!

Pikachu fired a Thunderbolt and scored a hit on Vigoroth! Unfortunately: the move did little damage.

Cameron: Use Iron Tail!

Pikachu hardened its tail and jumped in to attack!

Norman: Use Reversal!

Vigoroth tensed its muscles and stopped Pikachu with a built-up attack!

The strike left Pikachu fazed. She managed to get back on her feet, but for how much longer?

Cameron: Can you keep going?

Pikachu slowly nodded. It was hurt, but refused to give up!

Cameron: Okay. Let's keep going. Use Thunderbolt!

Pikachu fired another Thunderbolt!

Norman: Not this time! Vigoroth, charge toward Pikachu and use Slash!

Vigoroth dodged Pikachu's Thunderbolt and finished it off with Slash!

Pikachu fell to its tummy, completely exhausted.

I was going to get Pikachu, but Kirlia got out of her Ball and carried Pikachu into my arms with Psychic.

After that, Kirlia walked onto the battlefield. She wanted to battle in Pikachu's place.

Cameron: Alright, Kirlia. Knock 'em loose!

The Emotion Pokémon nodded at my words of luck.

Norman: Very well. Vigoroth, use Slash!

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