Series 3 Chapter 10: The Fighter as Swift as A Surfer!

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First thing in the morning, I left our room in the Pokémon Center after getting ready. Today was the day for my Gym battle with Brawly!

At the Gym, I saw Brawly and a Meditite riding a surfing simulator. Once he noticed me, he and Meditite jumped off!

Brawly: How's it? You must be here for our battle?

I nodded as Pikachu cheered in agreement.

Brawly: Shall we, then?

Once we stepped to the battlefield, Grovyle jumped out of its Ball and volunteered to battle.

The Wood Gecko Pokémon slashed its leaves and stretched out. It was ready for action!

Brawly sent in the Meditite from before.

Brawly: Let's party, little Trainer! Meditite, use Force Palm!

Meditite readied its hand and ran to Grovyle!

Cameron: Use Quick Attack!

Grovyle sped forward and dodged the Force Palm. It dodged more Force Palms, one after another!

Cameron: Use Slam!

Brawly: Use Confusion!

Meditite used Confusion and caught Grovyle's Slam and suspended the Grass-type in midair!

Brawly: Use Focus Punch!

Meditite tightened its focus and launched up to hit Grovyle!

Cameron: Use Leaf Blade!

Grovyle's leaves began to glow! It blocked the Focus Punch and attempted to attack!

Brawly: Use Detect!

Meditite instantly dodged the attack and retaliated with Force Palm! Grovyle was soon paralyzed by the attack!

Cameron: You cool?

Grovyle winced in the paralysis, but gave a thumbs-up. It wanted to keep going!

Brawly: Alright! That's what I like to see in a Pokémon! Use Force Palm!

Meditite readied another Force Palm!

Cameron: Use Energy Ball!

Grovyle created an Energy Ball from its mouth and fired it!

Meditite split the attack in half with Confusion!

Cameron: Leaf Blade!

Brawly: Focus Punch!

The two Pokémon engaged their attacks and slammed at each other at the same time!

Grovyle and Meditite were dazed and dizzy. After 3 minutes of a stand-off, Meditite collapsed!

Cameron: Yes! We did it, Grovyle!

Grovyle jumped in victory and received a fist bump from me!

Brawly: Man, what a wipeout! You really are a good Trainer. Here you go! The Knuckle Badge!

Brawly presented the badge to me and placed it into my palm.

Brawly: I'll be asking for a rematch soon.

I nodded. Before I turned to leave, I asked Brawly where the man named Steven is. He explained that he saw him enter Granite Cave. I thanked him and went back to the Pokémon Center to tell Brendan and May of the information.

End of Chapter 10

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