Series 3 Chapter 13: Olé, Libré!

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The Pokémon Contest hall was brimming with Trainers, readying their Pokémon for the appeal round. After seeing the sights, we encountered a girl and her Altaria.

Lisia: Hi, there! Are you three here for the contest?

Cameron: Two of us.

May got confused for a second before turning back to face Lisia.

Lisia: My name is Lisia! I am the superstar of Pokémon contests!

Lisia soon ran over and excitedly examined Pikachu! She was confused, but after Lisia put her down, she presented me with five costumes, as well as one for my size.

Lisia: Your Pikachu can wear these! Go into the changing room and let's see how you look!

After 6 minutes of decision-making, we emerged from the changing rooms. I had a rock star-like outfit on, while Pikachu was wearing a jumpsuit and mask similar to a wrestler.

May: You two look great!

Cameron: Thanks, May!

I signed me and Pikachu up for the contest as well, alongside May and Chic. For this event, we were opponents.

The appeal round began as we saw amazing and mesmerizing performances. Once it was May's turn, she and her Combusken pulled the most amazing performance I've ever seen! It was soon my turn. I began to tremble at the sight of the people watching. When the music started, I was scared to move. Pikachu tapped my leg and helped me focus. I swallowed my fear as me and Pikachu started to dance. For a moment, I felt so...carefree! Me and Pikachu danced in sync and in perfect rhythm as the song continued playing! Pikachu pulled off an amazing breakdance move, accenting them by dispersing electricity from its tail. With one final pose, our appeal round was over. Everyone was applauding for my performance.

After the results were in, me and May were the finalists for the battle round!

Before the match, me and May wished each other good luck.

Cameron: I can't wait to battle you. Don't hold back, because I won't.

May: Agreed.

At last, the battle round began! As me and Pikachu Libre stepped up to the battlefield, she waved and jumped to the audience.

May and her Combusken walked to the field as well, while the Young Fowl Pokémon practiced kicking.

Once the bell rang, the battle was off!

Cameron: Use Electro Ball!

Pikachu fired an Electro Ball!

May: Use Flame Charge!

Combusken tackled forward ablaze and dodged the Electro Ball!

May: Now, Double Kick!

Combusken prepared its kick!

Cameron: Use Iron Tail!

Pikachu guarded against the attack with Iron Tail!

May: Fire Pledge!

Cameron: Thunderbolt!

The two fired their attacks! They missed, but May had a new surprise up her sleeve!

May: Combusken, spread a Feather Dance around the battlefield!

Combusken spun around and dispersed its feathers! Pikachu sneezed when one touched her nose.

May: Use Fire Pledge!

Combusken ignited its loose feathers, causing them to explode! Pikachu was heavily damaged by them!

Cameron: Use Thunderbolt!

May: Use Fire Pledge!

The two moves were a direct hit, triggering an explosion! When the smoke cleared, Pikachu was down!

May won the Pokémon Contest!

I cheered for May as I tended to my partner. She was sad she lost, but happy to cheer for her friend.

Cameron: Yep. Our adventure just got even better.

Pikachu agreed.

After May received her trophy, we ran into Lisia on our way out.

Lisia: You two did amazing!

Cameron: Thanks, Lisia! Should I return the costumes?

Lisia: You can keep them! In case if you decide to participate in another contest.

I thanked the girl before we left and moved on to our next destination: Mauville City!

End of Chapter 13

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