Series 2 Chapter 20: His Roaring Fists Do the Talking!

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Finally, we have arrived at Cianwood City. Upon our arrival, we headed to a nearby pharmacy to get the medicine for the Ampharos.

Clerk: The Lighthouse Pokémon? Yes, of course, I'll get it right away!

The clerk ran to a nearby shelf and gave us the medicine.

Clerk: My Fearow is too tired for deliveries, so you need to bring the medicine yourselves.

Cameron: Okay. Thank you very much.

Knowing Jasmine needs us, we needed to volunteer on who needs to deliver the medicine. The next ship was nearly full, so only one of us had to go, while the rest stayed.

We thought our choices over and deducted who had to stay. I decided to stay to take the Gym. Kris and Whitney wanted to stay and watch. That left Ethan for last.

Ethan: I guess I'll go. Gym battles may be awesome, but I sometimes want to see the sights.

And so, Ethan took the next ferryboat back to Olivine, while me and the girls stayed in Cianwood.

Whitney: What now?

Cameron: We can explore a little.

And so we did. While I explored the new Safari Zone that opened up recently, Kris went fishing, while Whitney received a Shuckle from a man who wanted his Pokémon with a good Trainer.

After exploring the town, we headed to Cianwood's Pokémon Gym.

After stepping in, we noticed the Gym Leader in the middle of a training session with his two Pokémon, Primeape and Poliwrath.

Chuck: What's up? The name's is Chuck, and Fighting-type Pokémon are my game. I train myself and my team by performing sparring practice with each other. You there, with the Pikachu!

He proudly pointed to me as he appointed my presence.

Chuck: Ready for a battle?

Cameron: Yep. I'm ready for some action!

Chuck smiled with pride as he took his place on the battlefield. He sent in his Primeape.

Cameron: Dragonite, go time!

Dragonite roared upon send out!

Chuck: Primeape, use Focus Energy!

Primeape pumped itself up!

Cameron: Dragonite, get ready!

Dragonite braced itself!

Chuck: Use Cross Chop!

Primeape prepares to attack with a double-handed chop in an X-shaped form.

Cameron: Guard yourself with Dragon Claw!

Dragonite crossed its arms and readied a Dragon Claw. It successfully blocked the incoming Cross Chop!

Cameron: Counterattack with Thunder!

Dragonite successfully pulled a counterattack with Thunder, paralyzing Primeape. It stayed down for a short minute, so I thought I beat it. Suddenly, Primeape sat up and sent a bloodcurdling stare at Dragonite!

Primeape attacked Dragonite, somehow overwhelming it!

Chuck: You just activated Primeape's Ability Anger Point. A critical hit was all it needed to get angry and get its attack boosted.

Cameron: Careful, Dragonite.

Dragonite nodded.

Chuck: Use Outrage!

Primeape stirred into a bigger rage and attempted to attack Dragonite!

Cameron: Get in the air!

Dragonite went airborne to avoid the oncoming Outrage attack! Though Dragonite took off, Primeape jumped up and connected a super-effective attack with Outrage, knocking Dragonite from the sky.

Cameron: Dragonite!

Chuck: Finish it with Final Gambit!

Primeape defeated Dragonite with a blue projectile, defeating itself in in the process.

Both Dragonite and Primeape laid beaten...

Chuck: Who's next?

I sent in Meganium!

Chuck: Good choice. This next one may give a run for your money. Poliwrath, go time!

Poliwrath proudly walked onto the battlefield, ready for action!

Cameron: Use Vine Whip!

Meganium started off with Vine Whip!

Chuck: Grab it and use Submission!

Poliwrath grabbed the vine and swung Meganium around, dragging it across the battlefield.

Cameron: Use Petal Blizzard around you and Poliwrath!

Meganium stirred up a Petal Blizzard, covering it and Poliwrath in the eye of the blizzard. With each passing second, Poliwrath is hurt by the blizzard!

Chuck: Not yet! Use Ice Punch!

Poliwrath attempted an Ice Punch!

Cameron: Evade it and use Body Slam!

Meganium dodged the attack with its neck and piled on top of Poliwrath!

Chuck: Use Submission!

Poliwrath successfully damaged Meganium, but after subduing it, Poliwrath began to shiver from being poisoned!

Chuck: Poliwrath, what's wrong?

Cameron: I see...Meganium learned Toxic! It used Toxic as a last ditch attempt to disorient Poliwrath. Nice job, Meganium!

Meganium smiled at the compliment.

Cameron: Finish it off with Vine Whip!

Meganium beat Poliwrath with a super-effective Vine Whip!

Chuck began to laugh in delight as he picked up his Poliwrath.

Chuck: Cameron, you are a sight for sore eyes! You got me. Here's the Storm Badge.

I happily accepted the badge and thanked Chuck for the battle.

We exited Cianwood as I called Ethan to see if he made it back.

Cameron: Ethan? Is that you? Did you make it back? Did the Ampharos get better?

Ethan: Yeah. After I gave the medicine to Jasmine, Ampharos was all better. She was happy we got the medicine, so she said she'll be waiting for Cameron at Olivine's Gym.

Jasmine's waiting for me? At the Gym? My sixth badge is coming into my grasp!

End of Chapter 20

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