Series 4 Chapter 5: The Pokémon Fossils at Oreburgh Mine!

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We looked all around the city, but there was no sign of the Gym Leader. We found the Gym, but the Gym Leader was out around town. We had to search for him ourselves.

Dawn: This is exhausting! We can't find him anywhere!

Riley: There is one place we haven't looked: Oreburgh Mine.

Cameron: That place is a mineral deposit, right? I guess we can check there.

And so, we walked to Oreburgh Mine, where the place was hard at work!

Cameron: What's happening here?

Miner: Some fossils were excavated in the inner mine. If you want to go see, walk straight ahead.

Walking into the inner mine, someone walked past us. He wore a red hardhat and a beige vest.

???: These fossils are the rarest findings in all of Sinnoh! We need to transport them to the Oreburgh Museum. Be careful, these fossils are priceless!

The miner took a container enveloping the fossils to the Oreburgh Museum.

???: Oh! Why, hello, visitors! You witnessed a history-making event in this mine!

Dawn: We heard! And it sure is exciting!

Cameron: Can we go see the fossils? We're also looking for the Gym Leader, so a quick detour would be nice!

Roark: Great! My name is Roark. Nice to meet you all!

Roark led us to Oreburgh City's Museum, where the newly found fossils were being observed. The museum curator was answering questions for interviewers.

Curator: We have observed these fossils fully and have dubbed them the Skull Fossil and the Armor Fossil.

Interviewer: Will you begin the restoration process?

Curator: We will, but until we find the right Trainers to watch over them, the restoration of these fossils will have to wait. Though they are rare, these fossils will become living Pokémon, who need guidance in this modern world.

Elaine: We can watch over them!

Everyone turned and gasped at Elaine, who made her choice on taking care of the fossil Pokémon.

Curator: Really? You may be a target to Pokémon poachers if you decide to do this. Are you sure?

Elaine: Yes. I'm willing to take care of the Pokémon.

Roark: I can take the other, too!

Curator: Very well! We have our Trainers, so restoration will begin later today!

Everyone was impressed with how two Trainers have offered to watch the fossil Pokémon. After the fossils were placed in the restoration machine, we stayed at Roark's house to spend the night so the machine could finish the process. I stayed outside for a while to walk around. When I reached the museum, I saw a threatening sight: a broken window!

I entered through the window and got into the museum, searching for whoever was in here. As I looked on, I bumped into Elaine!

Cameron: Elaine?! What are you doing here?

Elaine: I should be asking you the same thing!

Cameron: Someone's here. Besides us.

Elaine: Really? It can't be Pokémon poachers, can't it?

Cameron: It could be. We better be sure.

And so, me and Elaine continued looking around the museum for the potential poachers. After a while, we started to doubt if there were even poachers in here. Suddenly, two vines appeared from above and tried to grab us! We both managed to avoid being caught, but Pikachu was knocked off by a Razor Leaf!

A poacher appeared with a Carnivine

Pokédex: Carnivine, the Bug Catcher Pokémon. A Grass-type. This Pokémon binds itself to trees and marshes, using its sweet-smelling drool to attract its prey.

Cameron: So that's what tried to catch us?

Poacher: Exactly. I heard about those fossils from the news and decided to make my move. I'll be able to finish the job once you two are out of the picture.

Starly let itself out of its Ball and faced the poacher's Carnivine!

Cameron: Good for you, Starly! Use Wing Attack!

Starly stretched out its wings and struck Carnivine!

Poacher: Use Power Whip!

Carnivine prepared its Power Whip!

Cameron: Starly, use Whirlwind!

Starly kept Carnivine from getting close using Whirlwind!

Cameron: Use Quick Attack!

Starly lunged forward with Quick Attack!

However, Starly was restrained by Carnivine's Bind!

Starly was getting restrained more and more as it struggled to get free! Luckily, Starly became enveloped in a bright light! It grew slightly bigger and gained a small curl on its hair. Starly evolved into Staravia!

Staravia shredded its feathers, not only escaping the Bind, but lowering Carnivine's attack power as well! Staravia learned Feather Dance!

Cameron: Yeah, Staravia! Use U-turn!

Staravia defeated the Bug Catcher Pokémon with U-turn!

The poacher became nervous and tried to run, but Elaine's Tangela stopped him with Ancient Power! As a result, Tangela evolved into Tangrowth!

Pokédex: Tangrowth, the Vine Pokémon. A Grass-type, and the evolved form of Tangela. Tangrowth's vines grow so profusely, that you won't be able to see its eyes during the warm season.

Elaine: Great job, Tangrowth!

Tangrowth winked at Elaine, thanking her for her compliment.

Cameron: Pikachu, use Mega Kick!

Elaine: Tangrowth, use Solar Beam!

The two Pokémon's moves blasted the poacher out of the museum, where he landed next to a police officer! The next day, the Curator had thanked us for saving the fossils! By the time our celebration was over, the restoration process was finished, revealing two small Pokémon.

Pokédex: Cranidos, the Head Butt Pokémon. A Rock-type. Cranidos's rock-hard skull can deal amazing damage when it uses headbutting attacks. Due to the skull's durability, it may have a loss of common sense.

Shieldon, the Shield Pokémon. A Rock- and Steel-type. This Pokémon has an extremely durable face that repels any attack against it! Due to its sides being vulnerable, Shieldon will move its face at any oncoming attack to block it!

And so, Elaine and Roark chose the Pokémon they kept: Elaine took Shieldon, while Roark took Cranidos.

Elaine: Nice to meet you, Shieldon!

Shieldon was shy, so it stayed quiet and turned away from Elaine's face.

Cameron: Don't worry, it'll come around!

Roark: Hey, Cameron. I heard you were looking for the Gym Leader. Guess what?

I tilted my head in confusion.

Roark: You're looking at him!

Cameron: Wait! You're the Gym Leader?!

Roark: If you're ready for a battle, meet me at the Gym.

Roark then turned and walked out of the museum.

Cameron: Let's do this!

Elaine: You said it!

Elaine and I went to catch up to the others and head to Roark's Gym. My first Gym battle is about to begin!

End of Chapter 5

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