Series 5 Chapter 10: Another Buggy Bout!

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At the Castelia Gym, Rosa was practicing for her battle against Burgh. She battled my Venipede to get a

Cameron: Venipede, Poison Tail!

Venipede readied Poison Tail!

Rosa silently watched as she waited for Poison Tail to come. Luckily, Swadloon read her mind and used Electroweb to slow Venipede down!

Cameron: We aren't done yet! Use Venoshock!

Venipede fired Venoshock in place, dealing good damage on Swadloon!

Cameron: Alright, that's about it! Venipede definitely needed that training.

Rosa nodded along, feeling the same way for Swadloon.

Cameron: Ready to meet up with Burgh?

Rosa bravely nodded.

Trace: You two are going to be great!

We entered the Gym and immediately ran into Burgh!

Burgh: Oh, dear! You all are awfully quick!

Cameron: I'm always up for a battle. Rosa really doesn't want to miss this, either.

Burgh: Then, let's begin!

Burgh revealed the Gym's battlefield, which was completely suspended in the air via foundations and ropes. After about a good 15 minutes of walking up, we got to the battlefield.

Burgh: You two are going to witness an amazing battle by me, Burgh. I love to draw the illustrious environments of Pokémon, as well as battling in those kinds of environments, which inspired me to design this Gym.

Cameron: Cool! A battle in a forest?

Burgh: Better. A battle in the forest canopy!

The trees around the battlefield opened up to reveal the night sky from above.

Burgh: Here is my challenge. Cameron, Rosa, you two will face me in a Tag Battle. You are allowed to use only Bug-types, and, as challengers to my Gym, you are allowed to switch out as you wish, but only to other Bug Pokémon. Do you agree with my terms?

Rosa and I briefly thought it over before making our decision.

Cameron: ...We accept your terms. Let's do this!

Burgh: Let's get this beautiful battle underway!

Burgh sent out a Dwebble and a Leavanny!

Pokédex: Dwebble, the Rock Inn Pokémon. A Bug- and Rock-type. Dwebble takes refuge in a small rock. When looking for a new rock, this Pokémon secretes a liquid from its mouth to create a big enough hole.

Leavanny, the Nurturing Pokémon. A Bug- and Grass-type, and the evolved form of Swadloon. Leavanny's scythes can serve as a weapon and a sewing needle. It often creates leaf wraps for Swadloon to wear.

Cameron: Let's get this going!

Rosa nodded.

Cameron: Venipede, use Steamroller on Dwebble!

Rosa had Swadloon use Bug Bite on Leavanny! As the two Pokémon approached, Burgh made his move!

Burgh: Leavanny, protect Dwebble with Steel Wing! Dwebble, Shell Smash!

As Leavanny held off Venipede, Dwebble used Shell Smash, dropping its defenses, but raising its attack power and speed.

Burgh: Now, Dwebble, use Rock Wrecker on Swadloon!

Dwebble fired a large boulder at Swadloon! Swadloon immediately reacted, learning Protect in the process!

Cameron: Look at that! Swadloon learned Protect! Now it's our turn to bring to heat! Venipede, use Venoshock on Dwebble!

Rosa joined the attack by having Swadloon use Razor Leaf!

Burgh: Leavanny, use X-Scissor on Venipede!

Leavanny prepared its X-Scissor! Luckily, I had a plan in motion!

Cameron: Stop and stand firm, Venipede!

Venipede conceded and stood its ground, withstanding X-Scissor! Suddenly, shortly after the attack, Leavanny was poisoned!

Cameron: I had Venipede stayed still so it can poison Leavanny with its Ability, Poison Point! Now that Leavanny's poisoned, it's time to turn the tide! Use Venoshock!

Venipede fired Venoshock, and Leavanny was transfixed due to the poison, resulting in its defeat!

Venipede celebrated its victory, enveloping itself in a bright light. Its curled up as the spikes on its front and back end grew bigger, as its gained smaller spikes on its skin. Venipede evolved into Whirlipede!

Pokédex: Whirlipede, the Curlipede Pokémon. A Bug- and Poison-type, and the evolved form of Venipede. Whirlipede is usually motionless. However, if attacked, it retaliates by rolling into its opponent!

Burgh: You may have taken out Leavanny, but this battle isn't over yet. Dwebble, use Slash!

Dwebble hits Whirlipede with Slash, but the Curlipede Pokémon is unaffected, revealing its new move, Iron Defense!

Cameron: Sweet! Ready to win this?

Rosa nodded as she had Swadloon use Grass Whistle to lull Dwebble to sleep!

Cameron: Now, Whirlipede, wrap it up with Steamroller!

Whirlipede defeated Dwebble with Steamroller!

Burgh: You did excellently, Dwebble. Thank you.

After returning Dwebble, Burgh clapped his hands.

Burgh: Bravo! You two performed amazing together. I am so jealous! Cameron, you've earned the Insect Badge.

Cameron: Thanks! I appreciate it dutifully!

Burgh: As for you, Rosa... Your prize has already been given.

He pointed to Swadloon as it became enveloped in a bright light. It gained sharp arms and small legs. The leafy wrap spread until it looked like some sort of cloak. Swadloon evolved into a Leavanny!

Rosa got so excited, she hugged her newly evolved Pokémon with all of her might!

Cameron: Man, Burgh. Thanks a lot for giving us the battle. Whirlipede and Leavanny agree.

Burgh: It is nothing to worry about. I always love to see flourishing skill within both people and Pokémon.

After exiting the canopy, we ran into Iris.

Iris: I see you've won that Gym Badge.

Cameron: Yep! Our battle was legendary!

Iris: Then, I'll be waiting for you at Nimbasa City.

Iris left straight after.

Trace: She's wanting to see your skill as well! You ready to face her?

Cameron: Are you kidding?! I'm psyched! This journey is getting better and better! So, onward!

End of Chapter 10

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