Series 3 Chapter 32: A Diving Adventure!

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At Route 126, we were riding a boat to Mossdeep City. It was actually more than a ride. The driver will take us halfway to Mossdeep City, and let us ride our Pokémon the rest of the way.

As we continued our sea-bound journey...

Brendan: Look.

We all looked down to see darkened water.

Brendan: We can dive into that area to see an underwater world. Think of all the Pokémon we get to see!

Cameron: Well, I guess it'll be fun. Mossdeep can wait. Let's dive in!

Wally: I don't have a Water Pokémon, so you guys can go on while I head to Mossdeep.

Cameron: Alright. Be careful, Wally.

Wally and Altaria flew away and waved goodbye.

Me, Elaine, May and Brendan dove into the water and saw an undersea world. We saw loads of Magikarp, Clamperl, and a Relicanth.

As we continued our dive, we saw something weird. I saw that it was a submarine. When I looked into the window, it was Team Magma!!

Unfortunately, when one of the grunts spotted me looking in, they alerted Maxie!

We had to leave our dive immediately!

Cameron: I saw Team Magma. They were in a sub, headed to some cave.

May: We should find out where they're going.

Brendan: We need proper equipment if we're going to dive down for a long period of time.

Brendan passed us scuba gear.

Once we applied the gear, we dove back down to follow the sub. After 45 minutes of searching, we saw the entrance to an undersea cave. Once we went into it, we resurfaced at the inside of the cave.

After some Grunts appeared, we hid underwater. We emerged once the Grunts left and snuck into the undersea cave.

We all snuck past the grunts and traversed the caves. If we made one wrong move, we'd be sent back to where we started. After looking very carefully...

Cameron: This cave must be it.

Brendan: It has to be. Otherwise, we'd have to do this all over again.

Once we entered the cave, we walked down a large passage, where we saw...

Maxie: Oh. I see you're here to foil my plans again, is that right?

We nodded.

Maxie: Well, you're too late. Once I use this...

Maxie revealed the Red Orb.

Maxie: ...not even you meddling kids can stop me this time!

Maxie raised the Orb at a pool of lava. When the Orb began to glow, it began to cause a massive tremor.

A large and towering Pokémon emerged from the lava pool. Step by step, it slowly walked toward the Red Orb.

Maxie: Yes...yes...YES!!! Come to me, Groudon, and erase the water with your power!

However, when Groudon reached Maxie, it absorbed the Reb Orb into its body and disappeared, dispersing a cloud of fog.

Maxie: What? How did my plan fail?

Cameron: I don't know what you did, but it can't be good.

My assumption was correct when Wally called me.

Wally: Cameron, you guys okay?

Cameron: We're fine. Our diving trip got a little serious. What's going on at Mossdeep?

Wally: The sunlight just intensified. Things are getting too hot outside, so I'm at Mossdeep City's Pokémon Center.

Cameron: Don't worry. We'll be there soon.

Brendan: Let's just hope things don't get worse from here.

It just did. Just as we emerged from the cave, another tremor occured.

Elaine: What now?

Suddenly, once the tremor occured, the sunlight turned to rain. Then, it switched. There was only one reason this was happening:

Cameron: Groudon and Kyogre are reawakened. And they are battling to control the grasp of nature.

We needed to stop Groudon and Kyogre before their battle destroys the entire region!

End of Chapter 32

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