Series 4 Chapter 21: Fantina and the Requiem!

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At Hearthome City, Staravia had been sitting on my head ever since we left the Trophy Garden. She definitely wants to battle the next Gym Leader.

Cameron: Okay, Staravia! You can battle the next Gym Leader, but you'll have to go last. Is that alright?

Staravia conceded with my decision and flew off of my head. Once we were at the Gym's doors, Barry emerged from inside.

Barry: Whew! She was tough!

Cameron: Barry!

Barry ran over when he saw us.

Barry: Hey, Cameron! How's it going?

Cameron: I should be asking you! Did you get a Gym Badge?

Barry: Nah. The Gym Leader was so tough, not even Torterra could beat her.

Barry sent out his partner, Torterra!

Pokédex: Torterra, the Continent Pokémon. A Grass- and Ground-type, and the evolved form of Grotle. Torterra burrows into the ground before going to sleep. Many Pokémon make their homes on its unmoving back.

Barry: You better be careful, too. The Gym Leader uses Ghost-type Pokémon, and she is no joke!

Barry walked away soon after.

Dawn: Are you still planning on taking her on?

Cameron: You bet! I've got four badges to go before taking on the league, so I can't turn back now!

We entered the Gym and saw the Gym Leader practicing with her Drifblim.

Fantina: Why, hello, dear Trainer! I heard about you!

Cameron: You did?

Fantina: News travels fast for us Gym Leaders. Crasher Wake told me a boy with a female Pikachu is coming up the ranks. Should be you, correct?

I nodded.

Fantina: Then let's get started. I'm eager to see how you are.

Fantina's first Pokémon was her Drifblim!

Pokédex: Drifblim, the Blimp Pokémon. A Ghost- and Flying-type, and the evolved form ot Drifloon. This mysterious Pokémon disappears before nightfall, and no one ever knows where they go.

Dawn: Wow! My Drifblim should watch as well!

Dawn sent out her own Drifblim and watched as I used Monferno to take on Fantina's Drifblim.

Fantina: Let's get started. Drifblim, use Giga Impact!

Drifblim set off toward Monferno using Giga Impact!

Cameron: Monferno, use Flare Blitz, but hold your ground!

Monferno used Flare Blitz and crossed its arms to block the oncoming attack! Giga Impact was so powerful, Monferno was getting pushed back!

Cameron: Don't give up! Flamethrower!

Monferno blasted a Flamethrower, driving Drifblim back!

Cameron: Now, use Acrobatics!

Monferno quickly tailed Drifblim with Acrobatics!

Fantina: That's not it from us! Use Phantom Force!

Drifblim phased out of sight in an instant! Monferno was struggling to find Drifblim, but it was soon too late. Drifblim appeared from Monferno's blind side and easily struck it down, defeating the Playful Pokémon!

I soon sent out Honchkrow to battle next! The Big Boss Pokémon flew straight ahead once it was sent out!

Cameron: That's the spirit, Honchkrow! Use Night Slash!

Honchkrow prepared a Night Slash!

Fantina: Not yet! Phantom Force!

Drifblim vanished once again! However, Honchkrow flew above and used Dark Pulse all over the battlefield! The attack caused Drifblim to reveal itself!

Fantina: What?!

Cameron: Nice tactic! Use Sky Attack!

Honchkrow charged Sky Attack from midair!

Fantina: Drifblim, don't let Honchkrow attack! Use Thunder!

Drifblim fired a Thunder above Honchkrow, taking it down before Sky Attack was fully charged!

With only one Pokémon left, I sent Staravia into the battle! She readily faced her opponent with a sharp and tense stare.

Cameron: Alright, Staravia. It's all up to you. Aerial Ace!

Staravia set off toward Drifblim with Aerial Ace!

Fantina: Drifblim, Thunder!

Drifblim fired another Thunder, but Staravia dodged it! It successfully landed a critical hit on Drifblim, defeating it!

Fantina: Hm. Impressive, but this next one will leave you speechless.

Fantina's next Pokémon was a Duskull!

Pokédex: Duskull, the Requiem Pokémon. A Ghost-type. At midnight, Duskull often wanders the darkness in the shadows. An ages-long admonishment stated that misbehaving children will have their spirits taken by this Pokémon if they earn a scolding from their mothers.

Cameron: Ready, Staravia?

The Starling Pokémon valiantly looked back, nodding in advance.

Cameron: Then good luck. Use U-turn!

Staravia set off once again using U-turn! Once it hit full speed...

Fantina: Got you. Use Will-O-Wisp!

Duskull launched a bluish-white flame, burning Staravia to the touch!

Fantina: Now, Ice Beam!

Duskull finished off Staravia with Ice Beam, knocking the Flying-type all the way back to my side.

I lost to Fantina...

Fantina: Oh, dear! You lost! I hope you come back and get stronger, so I can face you in another battle.

I picked up Staravia and promised to return once I got stronger. After getting everyone healed at the Pokémon Center, I needed a new plan to train.

Riley: I do suggest going to Celestic Town.

Cameron: Celestic Town?

Elaine: That place has monuments about the Legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh. It's perfect to learn more about Sinnoh's legends.

Riley: There is also a woman who can further strengthen the bonds between Trainer and Pokémon. We should set off right now if we can.

I agreed and we let Riley and Elaine lead the way. My training begins now! Once we get stronger, Fantina won't know what hit her!

End of Chapter 21

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