Ch. 29: The Dragon Tamer Trials!

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At Pallet Town, Elaine were showing Professor Oak Hexie, who evolved into a Melmetal!

Professor Oak: Melmetal is a very powerful Pokémon. Legend is said that it delivers the strongest punches of any Pokémon.

Elaine: Wow! I'm lucky I'm learning a lot.

As Elaine kept talking with the professor, I trained at Route 1 for my final Gym badge. Dragonair kept training ever since my Gym battle at Cinnabar Island, and wanted to better itself. As Dragonair kept training, we felt a powerful presence. From above, we saw a Dragonite. On it was a man with spiky red hair and a cape. He landed near us and walked over.

???: Hello, young Trainer! Are you getting ready for the League Tournament?

Cameron: Sort of. I have to win one last Gym badge to qualify, though.

Lance: I don't believe I've introduced myself. I am Lance, a skilled user of Dragon-type Pokémon and a member of Kanto's Elite Four. I'll be competing in the tournament as well.

As Lance and I spoke, Dragonair was interested in Lance's Dragonite, even looking at it admiration.

Cameron: My Dragonair is really admiring your Pokémon.

Lance: My Dragonite was the main reason I became a Trainer. You see, I've come from the Johto region and started training my partner when it was a Dratini.

Cameron: I got Dragonair from Nurse Joy, who was keeping it safe. My Pokémon and I have been keeping it company ever since.

Lance: Though I am a tough Trainer, I have a series of trials for owners of Dragon-type Pokémon. Would you like to take the trials?

Me and Dragonair nodded. And so, the trials began. The first was to test our strength and resilience by surviving a heat wave. The second was to test our trust in one another by taking down a bully Pokémon in the route.

The last...

Lance: a battle with me and Dragonite.

Cameron: Seriously? You are one of the toughest Trainers in the region.

Lance: Well, nothing's wrong with attempting, isn't it?

I shrugged, accepting the battle. Lance and Dragonite shifted a fierce look at me and Dragonair.

Lance: Dragonite, use Fire Punch!

Dragonite readied a Fire Punch and flew towards Dragonair!

Cameron: Look out!

Dragonair went airborne, dodging the Fire Punch!

Cameron: Use Thunder!

Dragonair fired a Thunder!

Lance: Clash the Thunder with Fire Blast!

Dragonite fired a star-shaped blast of flames at the incoming Thunder, causing an explosion on impact!

Lance: Use Aqua Tail!

Dragonite emerged above Dragonair and slammed her to the ground with Aqua Tail!

Dragonair was fazed completely...

Cameron: Don't give up, Dragonair! We worked hard for this! You can do it!

Dragonair managed to get back on its feet, ready to keep going!

Lance: Very well... Dragonite, Dragon Pulse!

Cameron: Dragon Breath!

Dragonair readied a Dragon Breath, but fired a more powerful kind of Dragon-type attack! The Dragon Breath fired as a red, blue, and purple Shockwave of draconic energy, resembling a raging dragon, hit Dragonite, causing significant damage!

Cameron: That was Dragon Pulse!

Dragonair enveloped itself in a bright light as it celebrated its new move! It gained wings on its back, with a big and bulky posture. Dragonair evolved into Dragonite! Upon evolving, Dragonite flew and hit Lance's Dragonite with dragon-like scythes.

Cameron: You learned Dragon Claw, too!

Lance: Impressive, but this battle isn't over yet. Dragonite, use Fire Blast!

Dragonite executed another Fire Blast!

Cameron: Thunder!

My Dragonite pulled off a Thunder! Both moves collided into a powerful explosion! Both Dragonite charged into the smoke and clashed with each other.

My Dragonite suddenly fell and landed unconscious...which means I lost.

Lance: ...Cameron.

I faced Lance with a hint of regret.

Lance: You passed the final trial!

Cameron: But...

Lance: Losing a battle can give you a better idea about how you battle. Maybe this can give you an insight on how you can beat me. You'd better make it to the finals, because that's where I'll be as well.

Cameron: Cool.

After Lance and I parted ways, I went home to Pallet Town and learned some surprising news.

Elaine: I'll be staying here in Pallet Town!

Cameron: Really!? That's awesome! Why, though?

Elaine: Professor Oak hired me as his aide and one of his assistants. I'll be going around Kanto to help with his research, so I'll be around here a lot more!

I nodded as I turned to leave, but...

Elaine: But one more thing...

I turned as she said those words.

Elaine: I'll be watching at the league! Professor Oak decided to let me keep traveling with you for your last badge and the Pokémon League! And we should battle if you become Champion!

I nodded to her promise as we headed to Viridian City!

Let's win this thing!

End of Chapter 29

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