Series 4 Chapter 10: The Flying Feathers of Kindness!

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Eterna City was large, but wasn't as busy as Jubilife. We walked on as we explored. On our way to the Pokémon Center, we ran into Cynthia.

Cameron: Cynthia? What are you doing here?

Cynthia: Oh, hello. Funny seeing you here.

Cameron: What's got you looking around?

Cynthia: I'm just sightseeing. I received an egg from a Pokémon Day Care and wanted to give it to someone who could take care of it.

We all thought it over. However, Dawn volunteered to watch the egg.

Cynthia: Here is the egg. Whatever that emerges from it will be a good Pokémon to care for.

Dawn: Thank you. I can't wait to see what Pokémon is in this egg!

We thanked Cynthia for her gift and went to get a room at the Pokémon Center. After everyone else settled, I went to explore Eterna City a bit more. I walked on and on until I stopped at a mysterious statue. I stared at it for a minute, mystified from the Pokémon that modeled the statue. After a good four minutes, a man with spiky blue hair stood next to me.

???: The Pokémon that created this entire region. They have such power to rewrite the world in their own liking. To meet a Pokémon as powerful as will be glorious.

After that, the man walked away. I just decided not to mind him and got back to my roaming. After walking for a while, I saw a wild Murkrow.

Pokédex: Murkrow, the Darkness Pokémon. A Dark- and Flying-type. Murkrow is known as a pest for taking anything shiny that catches its eye. It is even known for stealing jewelry from women!

The Murkrow's wing was hurt. I needed to help it. I took a Hyper Potion out of my bag and readied to use it. I needed to convince Murkrow that I'm helping.

Cameron: It's going to be okay, Murkrow. I want to help you, but you going to have to let me. Is that okay?

Murkrow was distrustful of me, but it slowly put its hurt wing out. When I sprayed the Hyper Potion, Murkrow winced from the stinging pain. I stopped so Murkrow could recover from the surprise before getting back to work. Murkrow was back up to speed once I finished.

Cameron: You're welcome. I'm just glad you're okay.

Murkrow grinned and flew away. I decided to call it a day and headed back to the Pokémon Center.

That night, I was fast asleep when I heard knocking on the balcony. I opened my eyes and looked to the balcony and saw...Murkrow!

Cameron: Murkrow? What are you doing here?

Murkrow gave me a dark purple rock as a gift. It then flew away before I could ask what the item was.

The next day was time for my Gym battle! I decided to go look for Murkrow before I could take on the Gym. I walked to the same spot I met Murkrow. There was no one there, so I searched all around for Murkrow. However, when I looked at a small patch of forest, I saw a wild Beedrill! It was battling Murkrow!

Murkrow avoided attack after attack, but ended up getting poisoned by Beedrill's Twineedle!

I quickly caught Murkrow before it hit the ground!

Cameron: Are you okay?

Murkrow felt weak. The poison left it fatigued!

Cameron: Staravia, help me out!

Staravia flew with a confident stride and faced Beedrill!

Cameron: Beedrill's tough, so be careful!

Staravia nodded!

Cameron: Here, Murkrow.

I sprayed an Antidote at Murkrow. The Darkness Pokémon fully recovered from the poison and took off to help Staravia!

Murkrow attacked with Drill Peck!

Cameron: Staravia, Aerial Ace!

The two Pokémon scored a critical hit with their Flying-type moves!

Beedrill soon started swinging multiple Poison Jabs!

Cameron: Feather Dance!

Staravia blinded Beedrill with Feather Dance! When the Poison Bee Pokémon shook all the feathers away, it lost sight of Staravia and Murkrow! From above, the Pokémon finished off Beedrill with Quick Attack and Steel Wing!

After Beedrill was down, we all escaped!

After reaching the Gym, where everyone else was waiting, I stopped to speak to Murkrow.

Cameron: Wow, Murkrow! You are so brave! It's lucky we managed to escape Beedrill.

Murkrow nodded. Sadly, it began to fly away again.

Cameron: Murkrow!

Murkrow stopped when it heard my call.

Cameron: Do you want to join us? I need some extra help for this Gym Leader, and a lot of other battles as well, so are you in?

Murkrow happily rejoiced and took a Poké Ball out of my bag and threw it above, landing on its head. After three vibrations, the catch was successful!

Elaine: You caught a Murkrow!

Cameron: I sure did! How about we take on that Gym?

Riley: I'm willing to see what other skill you have as a Trainer, so let's go!

We all walked in the Gym, prepared to take on whoever ran it. I can't wait to let Murkrow experience its first Trainer battle!

End of Chapter 10

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