Series 4 Chapter 12: A Thorny Friendship!

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At Eterna City's Pokémon Center, Cheryl offered to trade one of her Pokémon for mine!

Cheryl: I would want your Snorunt. It is very tough, and it would be able to protect me.

Cameron: Uh...I'm not really sure about that...

Cheryl: Why?

And so, I told Cheryl of how I received Snorunt as a birthday present. Snorunt is very special to me, and trading it would be a bit of a letdown.

Cheryl: Oh. I see.... I'm sorry.

Cameron: But...I feel like Snorunt is getting a lot closer to you. our Pokémon isn't a bad idea.

Cheryl lightened a little, but was still unsure of my choice.

I sent out Snorunt and told her of the trade.

Cameron: Hey, Snorunt. You've been getting along well with Cheryl, right?

Snorunt nods.

Cameron: How would you like Cheryl to be your new Trainer?

Snoring was excited, but a little sad to be traded from me.

Cameron: I know. I feel the same way. We just need to make it work. That okay?

Snorunt thought for a second before agreeing.

Cameron: It's settled.

And so, me and Cheryl began our trade! When I traded Snorunt to Cheryl, she traded me a Cacnea!

Pokédex: Cacnea, the Cactus Pokémon. A Grass-type. The more harsh and arid the environment, the better the flower on Cacnea's head develops! This Pokémon attacks by swinging its thorny arms wildly.

Cacnea greeted its new Trainer by swinging its thorny arm at my legs!

Cameron: Hi, Cacnea...

Cheryl and Snorunt were already making a good first impression, however. I decided that a change of scenery was what me and Cacnea needed!

Cameron: We're going to check out Route 206. See you guys!

Cheryl: Farewell! Be safe!

Me and Cacnea walked to Route 206, where Trainers were battling and relaxing by the grassy ecosystem. It was perfect for Cacnea!

A Trainer challenged us to a battle, and we won, thanks to Cacnea! After that, me and Cacnea began to bond. We worked out battle strategies and ate a good meal. After a while, we met up with the others, who learned of me setting off before them.

Dawn: Cameron!

Elaine: There you are! We've gotta get going!

Cameron: Coming!

After I caught up with everyone else, we set off for Hearthome City. On the way, a boy with an Aipom stood by the route, searching for a Trainer to battle.

???: No Trainers.... What a letdown.

He turned our way and noticed all five of us, including me!

Dawn: Oh. That's Lucas. He started out as a Trainer about a week before we all met.

Cameron: Really?

Dawn: He caught an Aipom and set off from town soon after.

Cameron: Okay. I guess a battle would be really nice. Ready, Cacnea?

Cacnea rolled its arms and nodded!

Cameron: Hey, there! How about-

Lucas: I accept.

Cameron: Wow. That was fast! Okay, Cacnea, let's go!

Cacnea ran into battle!

Lucas: Aipom. Go forth.

Aipom stepped out to face Cacnea!

Cameron: Use Needle Arm!

Cacnea started off with Needle Arm!

Lucas: Aipom, Return!

Aipom scored a hit with Return, but it was outstandingly weakened!

Lucas: What?!

Cameron: Got you! Cacnea, Pin Missile!

Cacnea fired a Pin Missile!

Lucas: Dodge it with Double Team!

Aipom used Double Team, but the Pin Missile was getting rid of all the fakes!

Lucas: Swift!

Aipom prepared to use Swift!

Cameron: Finish it with Giga Drain!

Cacnea siphoned Aipom's energy with Giga Drain, restoring its own in the process!

With Aipom defeated, Lucas walks away, enraged. Aipom quickly followed.

Lucas: How could you lose that?! We would've had that battle if your Return wasn't so weak!

Aipom sulked for disappointing Lucas as it follows him.

Cameron: ...I feel bad for him.

Dawn: Yeah. Lucas is a pretty impatient guy. Unlike Barry, his impatience makes him rude.

Cameron: I'm actually worried about...

I trailed off and agreed with Dawn instead. In fact, I was worried about Aipom. Does he deserve a Trainer like that? I'll have to find out soon. Right now, we should keep going to Hearthome City.

After passing through Mt. Coronet, we set up a camp to rest for the night.

Dawn: What a trek!

Elaine: I never had a journey like this in forever!

Riley: Let's keep pushing on by tomorrow. Hearthome City is upon us.

Cheryl: I'd love to get more ingredients for food.

We all suddenly noticed a bright light from Dawn's bag. The light grew brighter until the egg hatched into a Mime Jr.

Pokédex: Mime Jr., the Mime Pokémon. A Psychic- and Fairy-type. Mime Jr. mimics foes as a habit. Once mimicked, the foe won't stop looking at this Pokémon!

Mime Jr. twirled and hugged Dawn!

Dawn: I guess a little night owl time would be nice.

Cameron: Alright, Dawn. Goodnight to you both!

Dawn: Night!

I turned in as Dawn sat with Mime Jr. Hearthome City is nearly at our reach! Can we make it?!

End of Chapter 12

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