Series 5 Chapter 8: Rockster Roxie!

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With Trace leading the way, the music was discovered to be coming from the Gym. We went inside and saw a rehearsal.

Roxie: Let's keep the practice going. A show is tonight, and we're ready to give the fans a performance!

Roxie jumped from the stage. She was about to pick up a speaker when she noticed us.

Roxie: Oh, look at that. You here for a battle or the show?

Cameron: The battle. I'm your challenger.

Roxie: Then let's hop to it!

Roxie took her spot on the battlefield right before me. I sent out Pidove, while Roxie sent out a Weezing!

Cameron: A Weezing. Looks like we have this battle in our favor. Pidove, use Air Cutter!

Pidove started off with Air Cutter!

Roxie: I'm ready to blow off some steam! Use Protect!

Weezing blocked Air Cutter with Protect! When it dropped the move, Pidove was nowhere to be seen.

Roxie: Wait.

Weezing waited for Pidove to appear. A gleam appeared from above before Pidove dropped down below with Sky Attack, taking it down!

Cameron: Nice move!

Roxie: That Pidove is stronger than I thought. Good thing I have another Pokémon to strike it down!

Roxie sent out a male Nidoran!

Cameron: Alright, Pidove! Let's keep this streak up! Use Quick Attack!

Pidove's speed proved tough once again with Quick Attack!

Roxie: This'll be over in a heartbeat! Use Horn Drill!

Nidoran struck Pidove with his horn! It's a one hit KO!

Roxie: An eye for an eye.

I sent out Venipede to take on the Poison Pin Pokémon!

Cameron: Ready, Venipede?

Venipede stayed quiet as it faced Nidoran.

Roxie: Nidoran, Double Kick!

Nidoran jumped up before preparing its legs!

Cameron: Use Defense Curl!

Venipede curled up and blocked Double Kick!

Cameron: Now, use Steamroller whilst curled up!

Venipede launched Steamroller, smashing into Nidoran!

Roxie: Use Peck!

Nidoran charged headfirst toward Venipede!

Cameron: Poison Tail!

Venipede swung its tail, clashing with Nidoran!

Cameron: Give it your all, Nidoran!

The two Pokémon kept up their clash until they beat each other back!

Roxie: Double Kick!

Cameron: Steamroller!

Venipede and Nidoran charged ahead for a final clash! The attacks resulted in a simultaneous stalemate!

Cameron: Looks like it's a stalemate.

Roxie: Not for long it will be!

We sent out our final Pokémon: Tepig and Trubbish!

Pokédex: Trubbish, the Trash Bag Pokémon. A Poison-type. Trubbish can exhale poisonous gases. Breathing them will knock you out for an entire week!

Cameron: Be careful, Tepig! Use Take Down!

Tepig scored the first hit with Take Down!

Roxie: Slam it back with Pound!

Trubbish slapped Tepig away with Pound!

Cameron: Ember!

Roxie: Sludge Bomb!

The two Pokémon blasted their respective attacks, clashing with each other!

Roxie: Double Slap!

Trubbish laid the damage with Double Slap!

Cameron: Grab its arm and throw it!

Tepig caught Trubbish in its arm using its mouth before throwing it!

Cameron: Now use Heat Crash!

Tepig dropped down onto Trubbish with Heat Crash, defeating it!

Cameron: Tepig, you did it!

Tepig walked back to me before jumping into my arms.

Roxie: You know, I assumed I was going to blow off some steam with this battle, but you blew me away! You beat me, so rules are rules.

Roxie rewarded me the Toxic Badge. I accepted the badge as I thanked Roxie for the battle.

Roxie: No big deal, man. Come back anytime you want to rock out, okay?

Cameron: I will!

After leaving the Gym and getting my Pokémon healed, me and Trace had a practice battle with our Flying-types!

Cameron: Keep it up, Pidove!

Trace: Rufflet, use Aerial Ace!

Rufflet dove down from above, slamming into Pidove!

Cameron: Pidove!

Pidove immediately recovered from the hit before charging Sky Attack!

Trace: Don't let it finish! Use Slash!

Rufflet scored a critical hit with Slash, but Pidove withstood it! Pidove launched Sky Attack, enveloping it in a bright light. Its wings grew along with its body. It also revealed a long and slender tail! Pidove evolved into Tranquill!

When Rufflet attacked with Peck, Tranquill spotted the attack from behind and dodged it! Tranquill learned Detect!

Cameron: Use Air Cutter!

Tranquill defeated Rufflet with a powerful Air Cutter! Trace then picked up Rufflet and fed it a Sitrus Berry.

Trace: You're getting even better! Your next match will be exciting!

Cameron: It sure will! With Tranquill, my team is getting tougher and tougher!

Roxie suddenly stepped in.

Roxie: About your next match, you guys should go to Castelia City. You can get there by boat, and the sailor just got back from Pokéstar Studios. Why is that?

We looked at one another, deciding not to tell Roxie the cause of why the sailor was back.

Cameron: No special reason. Thanks for the advice, Roxie!

We headed to the dock and asked the sailor to take us to Castelia City. He happily obliged and let us onto his boat.
To Castelia City we go!!

End of Chapter 8

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