Series 3 Chapter 29: The Windy Winona!

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After waking up, eating and changing, I headed to the Fortree Gym. Once I got inside, I saw an entire aviary of bird Pokémon. As I walked around to search for the Gym Leader, I let Pikachu and Swellow explore along the way.

As I continued around the aviary, I ran into a woman.

Cameron: Oh! I'm sorry.

???: Are you a challenger?

I looked up and saw the Gym Leader: Winona

Cameron: Yes, yes, I am! Pikachu, Swellow! I found the Gym Leader!

The two Pokémon returned to my side and watched as Winona began to examine Swellow.

Winona: Your Swellow is very strong. I did see it in action yesterday.

Cameron: You did? During the tournament?

Winona: Yes. It did amazing out there. will need more training to truly be a masterful battler. Come.

Winona led me to a battlefield in the middle of the aviary.

Winona: A one-on-one Gym Battle. We both use Flying-type Pokémon. Neither of us will be holding back!

Cameron: You're on. Swellow, get flying!

Swellow, who was next to me, took to the sky and waited for its opponent.

Winona silently praised Swellow's readiness and proceeded to send out her Pokémon: a Tropius!

Pokédex: Tropius, the Fruit Pokémon. A Grass- and Flying-type. The fruit that grows on Tropius's neck is delectably sweet. This Pokémon flies by flapping the leaves on its back as if they are wings.

Tropius roared, using Sunny Day!

Cameron: Swellow, use Brave Bird!

Swellow charged forward with Brave Bird!

Winona: Blow Swellow away with Gust!

Tropius blew an updraft with Gust, knocking Swellow back!

Cameron: Use Agility!

Swellow dove down and increased its flight speed!

Winona: Tropius, use Solar Beam!

Tropius began absorbing sunlight very quickly, firing before Swellow could attack!

Swellow dodged the attack, but Tropius suddenly dodged Swellow as well!

Winona: Chlorophyll. That is Tropius's ability.

Cameron: As long as that sunlight is up, Tropius will be able to outspeed Swellow.

Cameron: Fly around. Be careful.

Swellow flew around in an attempt to avoid any other attack from Tropius.

Winona: Now, Tropius! Use Leaf Storm!

Tropius blew a flurry of leaves from its wings and blew Swellow back again, damaging it in the process.

Swellow began to feel tired.

Cameron: Don't give up yet! You can still keep that pace up, right?

Swellow nodded.

Swellow stretched its wings and readied an Air Slash!

Winona: Very well. Use Leaf Storm!

Tropius readied another Leaf Storm!

We waited for a small slew of wind. Once it came...

Both: Go!

The Pokémon fired their moves simultaneously!

Cameron: Charge through the Leaf Storm with Brave Bird!

Swellow sliced through Leaf Storm with Brave Bird! After that, it kept going and smashed into Tropius, dealing massive damage!

Tropius was nearly down!

Cameron: Now, use Air Slash!

Winona: Use Solar Beam!

Tropius began to charge up, but it went slower. The sunlight faded.

Tropius was soon defeated after facing a super-effective Air Slash!

We've won!

Winona thanked Tropius for a hard-fought battle and returned her Pokémon. She then walked up to me and petted Swellow.

Winona: You are one impressive Trainer. If you are this good with Flying-type Pokémon, I'd want to train before having a rematch someday! Don't forget your Feather Badge.

After taking the badge, I agreed to Winona's statement.

After leaving the Gym, I ran into Wally, who was returning from training with his newly evolved Loudred.

Cameron: Hey, Wally.

Wally: No time for pleasantry, you won't believe who I saw outside of town!

Then, Wally explained how Teams Magma and Aqua were headed to Lilycove City. He never saw them since.

Cameron: If they were heading there, this is our opportunity to strike them down!

Wally: We don't know what their plan is.

Cameron: We'll soon find out. Let's go back and get the others.

Wally: Right.

And so, we ran back to the Pokémon Center to inform May and Brendan about Teams Magma and Aqua!

End of Chapter 29

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