Series 2 Chapter 33 (Series 2 Finale): Hoenn, Sweet Hoenn!

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On my ferryboat to Hoenn, I looked out at a large and excessive sea, as Pokémon like Mantine and Staryu roamed about. Pikachu rode on the rail and looked on in delight.

When the boat suddenly began to have problems, we stopped off at an archipelago called the Sevii Islands.

Conductor: I'm sorry. The ferryboat is facing technical difficulties and our staff is working hard to resolve the issue. Please, bear with us as we have stopped off at the Sevii Islands temporarily.

With no choice but to wait, I explored One Island, and saw a research center. Once I went inside, it was covered in research papers and people at frantic speeds!

One of the researchers bumped into me and dropped some of the papers. Once I helped him and returned the papers, he gave me a lowdown of the situation. A surge of Clefairy and Clefable were discovered near Mt. Ember, a dormant volcano at the coast of One Island. I volunteered to take the task for the researchers to help get a little less work at their plate.

And so, I set off to Mt. Ember on a sailboat.

Once I spotted a little Cleffa nearby a cave, I followed it and saw an indoor hot spring. The spring was humid and had comfortably warm water. I saw the Cleffa on top of a man relaxing in the spring and gently retrieved her.

Cameron: Caught you, Cleffa.

Cleffa got mad and slapped me away with Pound!

In reaction, I caught the Cleffa with a Ultra Ball! But after catching it, I happened to gain a rival.

???: Hey, I wanted that Cleffa!

After a quiet stand-off, I ran away and soon was pursued by the male Trainer who wanted Cleffa for himself!

I jumped in the sailboat and rode away, but the Trainer pursued me on the back of a Skarmory! His Skarmory attacked with Air Cutter!

Cameron: Pikachu, use Electro Ball!

Pikachu got rid of the air cutter with Electro Ball, causing a powerful explosion! The explosion sped up the sailboat and got us to escape!

Once I reached the port town, I gave the Cleffa I caught to the researchers. They were happy I helped them out, so they gave me mysterious item called a Light Ball. It was an item that could only be beneficial to Pikachu. They said I could use it for cooking, and I perked up at the thought.

After leaving, I met back with the Trainer who attacked me.

???: Hey. Sorry for attacking you. I was looking for a Cleffa, but they are rare.

Cameron: It's no problem.

Brendan: The name is Brendan. This is my Pokémon Skarmy.

The Skarmory greeted me upon being mentioned.

I introduced myself as well and mentioned my trip to Hoenn.

Brendan: I'm heading to Hoenn too! We can talk if you want. I'm riding the same boat.

And so, even when the boat was finished with repairs, Brendan and I talked to each other. We talked of our homes, friends, and Pokémon partners. We had a bit in common!

As we kept talking, we noticed a town near the shore.

Brendan: That is Oldale Town. We just go through Route 101 to reach Littleroot Town.

Cameron: Cool!

I'm so excited! Starting today, my adventure in Hoenn soon begins!!

End of Series 2

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