Series 3 Chapter 9: Training at the Beachside!

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During a training session, Treecko and Taillow competed in a race, occasionally connecting attacks. I cheered my two Pokémon on as they reached the finish line. At the last second, Treecko evolved into Grovyle! After Grovyle crosses the finish line, he uses his new move, Leaf Blade, to slice a rock to pebbles!

After praising my team for their intense training, we went to check on May.

May was training for a Pokémon Contest. Her Combusken was using a beautiful Fire Pledge! Her new Masquerain was using Silver Wind.

Brendan, along with Skarmy and his newly evolved Marshtomp, studied Pokémon habitats and distributions.

As I helped Grovyle perfect Leaf Blade, another Trainer came to shore from surfing.

I stepped up to speak to him.

Cameron: You're a great surfer! Who are you, anyway?

Brawly: Brawly. I'm Dewford Town's Gym Leader. This is Hariyama, my Pokémon.

Hariyama bowed to greet me and my Pokémon.

Brawly: You must be training for a Gym battle, right? Why not some practice? I'm looking to see some good challengers.

Cameron: Cool.

Me and Brawly walked to a widespread area for our practice battle. He called on Hariyama while I sent in Taillow!

Cameron: Use Quick Attack!

Taillow flew from side to side, ready to strike!

Brawly: Hariyama, use Knock Off!

Hariyama raised its massive palm and slammed it down. Taillow dodged the attack successfully!

Cameron: Use Peck!

Taillow pecked Hariyama on top of its head!

Cameron: Wing Attack!

Taillow's wings began to glow as it swooped in to attack!

Brawly: Use Force Palm!

Hariyama hit Taillow with Force Palm!

Taillow was fazed by a critical hit! It stayed on the ground, waiting for the next command.

I soon had an idea!

Cameron: Taillow, fly from side to side to dodge.

Tallow took off and flew in a zigzag motion. Hariyama fired more attacks, and Tallow continued to dodge them all!

After dodging three attacks, Taillow began to swoop down, increasing flight speed! Taillow learned Agility!

Cameron: Use Peck!

Taillow began to speed up and scored a critical hit on Hariyama, defeating it!

Brawly was visibly impressed and gave me a courageous look.

Brawly: Let's hope that training can beat me in our Gym Battle.

Cameron: We'll be ready for you.

Brawly: I'm sure you will be!

We shook hands and parted ways for now. Brendan and May took a head start to the Pokémon Center, and I was close behind.

End of Chapter 9

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