Series 4 Chapter 8: The Power of Team Galactic!

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After leaving Floarama Town, we saw a small balloon-like Pokémon drifting through the sky.

Pokédex: Drifloon, the Balloon Pokémon. A Ghost- and Flying-type. This Pokémon was rumored to kidnap any young child it can carry and lifts them to the heavens. As a result, these Pokémon were nicknamed "the Signpost for Wandering Spirits."

Dawn: I still have two Pokémon, so that one is mine!

Dawn threw a Poké Ball, landing behind Drifloon due to the winds, and the catch was successful!

The winds blew as we stared at the building east of us.

Elaine: That area is the Valley Windworks. That place has windmills that can power the entire region!

Cameron: Think we should check it out?

Dawn: It does look nice.

Riley: Let's do it!

We walked to the Valley Windworks, but we saw a man with blue hair guarding the door.

???: Hey! You can't be here!

Cameron: We're just here to check the place out, is that so hard to explain?

???: I won't let you pass! Leave now or feel the might of Team Galactic!

Once he said that name, my mind jumped back to Looker's warning.

Cameron: You're part of Team Galactic!

Team Galactic Grunt: Yeah! What of it!

The grunt sent out a Misdreavus!

I sent out Snorunt, while Elaine used Buizel, Dawn used Shinx, and Riley used Lucario!

Grunt: You won't pass! Use Shadow Ball!

Misdreavus fired a Shadow Ball!

Cameron: Snorunt, Icy Wind!

Elaine: Buizel, Aqua Jet!

Dawn: Shinx, Spark!

Riley: Lucario, Bone Rush!

The four landed a simultaneous attack of Misdreavus, defeating it!

After the win, Dawn's Shinx became enveloped in a bright light. Its fur grew, and had gained canine teeth as well. It grew toward Dawn's knee. Shinx evolved into Luxio!

Pokédex: Luxio, the Spark Pokémon. An Electric-type, and the evolved form of Shinx. Luxio sends its electricity towards its claws as a defense mechanism. Even a small scratch can cause foes to faint!

The Grunt got nervous and ran inside!

Riley: He must be calling for backup!

Cameron: We better hurry!

We rushed inside and saw more Grunts around the area, searching bookshelves for something.

When some saw us, they ganged up to take us down!

Riley: Lucario, Aura Sphere!

Riley's Lucario fired an Aura Sphere!

Elaine: Evo, Double-Edge!

The little Eevee charged ahead with Double-Edge!

Riley: Find who is responsible!

Elaine: We'll hold them off!

I nodded wished them all good luck. I ran to the next room and saw another Team Galactic member. She had red hair and wore a dress in Team Galactic's colors and logo.

Mars: Oh, hello, little boy. We're just checking the place out.

Cameron: I've heard that little trick before, so drop the act!

Mars: Fine.

Mars sent out a Purugly!

Pokédex: Purugly, the Tiger Cat Pokémon. A Normal-type. Purugly's body posture changes when near an opponent. It clenches its waist and twin tails to appear strong against a foe.

Mars: I won't let you ruin our plans. Purugly, Scratch!

Purugly prepared to scratch me! However, Piplup jumped out of its Poké Ball and clashed with Purugly with Pound!

Mars: What a hero. You can't protect your Trainer forever! Scratch!

Purugly attacked again with Scratch!

Cameron: Piplup, dodge it and use Water Pulse!

Piplup jumped away and scored a hit on Purugly with Water Pulse, confusing it!

Cameron: Use Peck!

Piplup jabbed Purugly endlessly with Peck!

Mars: Get up! Use Play Rough!

Purugly knocked Piplup back and attacked with Play Rough, leaving Piplup weakened!

Mars began to smile, believing that the battle is in her favor.

Mars: Finish it with Feint Attack!

When Purugly laid its Feint Attack on Piplup, the Penguin Pokémon began emanating a red aura, firing a beam of energy at double the damage it took at Purugly, defeating it! Piplup learned Bide!

Mars turns enraged!

Mars: How could that weak little Piplup defeat me?!

Cameron: Love and trust takes the cake. You better go, or my Pikachu will zap you all out of here.

Mars wanted to refuse, but she initially decided to concede, ordering all the grunts to retreat!

Riley, Elaine and Dawn caught up with me after Mars left.

Dawn: What happened? Did you beat her?

Cameron: Yep! All thanks to little Piplup!

Piplup smiled valiantly after its praising!

Riley: I saw some scientists outside. They were the Windworks' staff. They were kicked out when Team Galactic arrived.

Cameron: That proves that Team Galactic is a big threat. We better keep an eye out.

We all nodded and left the Valley Windworks. When we moved on to Route 205, we ran into Barry.

Barry: What took you guys so long?

Dawn: Unlike you, we take things easy.

Barry: I already got my second Gym Badge, so I waited out here until you showed up.

Cameron: I remember the deal, Barry, but I need to tend to my Pokémon first.

Barry: Okay, but get ready after that!

After checking up on my team, I was all ready to battle Barry!

Barry: One-on-one. Winner gets a headstart to Eterna City!

Cameron: You're on!

Barry sent out his first Pokémon: a Staravia of his own!

Let the battle begin!

End of Chapter 8

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