Series 2 Chapter 10: A Buggy, Buggy Bout with Bugsy!

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Cameron: This Gym reminds me of my Butterfree.

We were at Azalea Town's Pokémon Gym. It was at least close to a Pokémon Center in case I lost.

After we stepped in, I took the challenge: I needed to shimmy my way up a silk rope like a Caterpie and swing over to the Gym Leader.

Between us and Bugsy was a large field. Walking would take long, so swinging over would be a good option. I sent Onix out to catch me if I don't make it.

I swung over the first time. I didn't get much distance. The second, I was halfway there. The third, I got nearly close. My fourth and final try, I managed to land on the platform feet first!

Bugsy: How's it going? I'm Bugsy! I love Bug-type Pokémon, and researching them is what I adore. This Gym was created out of my love of Bug-type Pokémon and the extensively beautiful scopes of nature I researched them at. Ready for a Gym battle?

I nodded as it gestured Onix forward.

Bugsy: Cool! Battles using Bug-types are all worthwhile.

Bugsy sent out his first Pokémon, Ledian!

Cameron: Onix, use Rock Polish!

Onix rose its speed by polishing itself!

Bugsy: Ledian, Mach Punch!

Ledian landed a speedy punch on Onix!

Cameron: Use Iron Tail!

Onix hardened and swung its tail!

Bugsy: Ledian, use Comet Punch!

The two Pokémon clashed with each other, one hit after another. Onix pulled through, but was soon defeated by another Mach Punch!

Cameron: Great job, Onix. You did great for your first battle.

I returned Onix and sent in Chikorita!

Bugsy: Ledian, Use U-turn!

Ledian swooped in for an attack!

Cameron: Use Reflect!

Chikorita blocked the attack with Reflect!

Though the attack was blocked, Ledian returned to its Ball and was substituted with Heracross!

Cameron: Use Tackle!

Bugsy: Use Chip Away!

Chikorita and Heracross clashed in a head-on attack!

Cameron: Vine Whip!

Bugsy: Reversal!

Chikorita hit Heracross with Vine Whip just as Heracross hit her with Reversal!

Bugsy: Use Megahorn!

Heracross charged at Chikorita horn first at breakneck speed!

Chikorita dodged the attack!

Cameron: Razor Leaf!

Instead, Chikorita's leaf glowed in seven colors and fired a collection of rainbow-colored leaves.

Ethan: That was Magical Leaf!

Chikorita soon enveloped itself in a bright light. It gained a sharper leaf on its head and a collection of leaf shoots on its head! Chikorita evolved into Bayleef!

Bugsy: We aren't finished yet! Heracross, use Chip Away!

Heracross attempted an attack!

Cameron: Use Magical Leaf!

Bayleef finished off Heracross with its new Magical Leaf attack!

Bayleef joyfully jumped in celebration for its win!

I sent Bayleef back in its Ball and sent in Pidgeotto to substitute!

Bugsy sent Ledian back in!

Bugsy: Use Comet Punch!

Ledian went in to attack!

Cameron: Pidgeotto, use Double Team!

Pidgeotto duplicated. Ledian was confused!

Bugsy: Use Silver Wind!

Cameron: Gust!

Pidgeotto blew the Silver Wind away and defeated Ledian!

Bugsy was ready for more. He soon sent in his last Pokémon: A Scyther!

Cameron: Pidgeotto, Aerial Ace!

Pidgeotto began to stylishly fly towards Scyther!

Bugsy: Use Slash!

Scyther's scythes glowed as it readied to cut Pidgeotto to size!

Upon the confrontation, Pidgeotto dodged the oncoming attack and easily beat Scyther with Aerial Ace!

Bugsy was impressed! After returning his defeated Scyther, he ran over and congratulated me.

Bugsy: You're one heck of a Trainer! You are really strong. I've trained my Bug-types to even beat their disadvantages, but you happen to be a real master. You've officially earned the Hive Badge!

I happily took the badge and put it in my case. Thanking Bugsy for the battle, we exited the Gym as we got our bearing for our next obstacle: Ilex Forest. Before we headed in, Bugsy came over to tell us something.

Bugsy: Ilex Forest is a real maze. And it's full of Pokémon. Be careful.

Cameron: Thanks a lot, Bugsy!

We headed into Ilex Forest to reach our next destination.

End of Chapter 10

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