Series 2 Chapter 11: A Break at the Swap Meet!

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Ilex Forest was really dark, due to the collection of trees covering the view. After 15 minutes of walking (and picture-taking), we stopped at a nearby shrine.

Kris: This is a shrine for the guardian of Ilex Forest, Celebi. It is said that Celebi came from the future via time travel.

Cameron: I see...

I walked over to the shrine and gave it a light touch. I waited a short minute before continuing on.

As we kept going, we witnessed a battle from Kris that not only caught her a Teddiursa, it evolved her Totodile into Croconaw!

As we kept walking, we happened upon a swap meet for Pokémon Trainers. People were trading each other's Pokémon and battling them too!

I took part in five battles before taking a break. Kris bought a special glove for her outfit. Ethan revealed that he traded a mean Pineco that he caught in the forest for a kid's Scyther, which evolved into Scizor.

I challenged Ethan to another battle against his new Scizor.

Cameron: Pikachu, Electro Ball!

Pikachu launched an Electro Ball!

Ethan: Scy, Swords Dance!

Scy raised its attack power by performing an uplifting battle stance!

Cameron: Iron Tail!

Pikachu used an Iron Tail!

Ethan: Fury Cutter!

Both Pokémon began a strong clash and slammed each other back!

Cameron: Use Quick Attack!

Pikachu headed up to Scy for a tough attack!

Suddenly, Scy crossed its arms and slashed Pikachu in an X-shape motion, defeating her!

Kris: Scy learned X-Scissor!

Ethan: Sweet! And I won with it!

Cameron: You win this round!

We gave a good handshake before we left the swap meet.

Before we left, a man offered me a Pokémon Egg. I accepted and kept it in my backpack.

Who knew we gained new Pokémon in Ilex Forest, especially at a swap meet.

End of Chapter 11

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