Chapter 9: Audience with the King

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For the rest of the day Sora went over the information Archmage Galen and Hedrek had gathered for him. Thanks to the price guides and research he was finally able to devise a list of everything he would need and determine how much everything would cost.

"I haven't had to do so much math since I was a student" He thought as he reviewed the final plan.

Keyne helped clean up all the loose papers and books thrown about the table. "Sora, why are you worried? You've checked and rechecked your plans several times. Archmage Galen, Hedrek and I have also checked them and we all agree that your plan is comprehensive. Your requests, although many and costly, are reasonable considering the situation. You have no need to be nervous." Keyne reassured.

Despite his words Sora could not relax. "How can he say I don't have to worry? I'm asking for a large sum of money and assistance despite spewing only a few words about the water cycle! I didn't even think of it because I'm smart. It was a damn plot line of a popular anime I used to watch as a child about a pirate." Sora thought as he spiralled into a vortex of negativity.

Don't worry and get some sleep. The meeting with the king is early tomorrow morning. You should go to sleep early." Keyne said. Sora agreed but he could calm himself at all. Noticing his anxiety Keyne sat the pacing Sora down on the catch and stood behind him. With both hands firmly placed on both shoulder he started to give Sora a massage.

At first Sora struggled, he wasn't used to being touched. Intimate or not, but soon he relaxed as he enjoyed the firm yet gentle massage. The massage was so good that he soon started to feel tired. "Feel better?" Keyne asked.

Sora nodded slowly, his eyes heavy. Satisfied Keyne handed Sora a change of clothes. "Change into these pajamas and go to bed. I'll be in my room across the hall if you need anything." Keyne said before walking out of the room. Sora felt a little awkward at how familiar Keyne always acted around him, but he couldn't hate him for it. In fact, he had started to feel thankful for Keyne's presence.


The next day Sora nervously awaited the meeting with the king to discuss the reparations to start. As etiquette dictated he and Keyne waited in a room until the royal guard to invite them into the room to speak with the king and his ministers.

"Sora, I'll be with you. Don't worry." Keyne said again. He'd said it many times since early morning, but it never seemed to calm Sora down.

"The King and his esteemed ministers are ready to see you now." A stern knight said from the doorway. Sora took a deep breath and slowly followed him inside. Trailing behind him was of course Keyne.

Entering the room Sora saw ten men sitting around a U shaped table. The centre seat belonged to the king. His demeanour as gentle as it had been the day Sora was summoned into this new world. 

"Your majesty King Jowan, I present to you Sir Sora  and Commander of the Royal Knights Sir Keyne!" The man announced for everyone to hear. The loud voice startled the nervous Sora, but he managed to keep a calm face and introduce himself according to proper etiquette.

"It is an honour to have an audience with his Majesty the King." Sora did not address the others as instructed by Keyne earlier in the waiting room.

"Your Majesty." Keyne briefly said as he bowed.

Glancing around the room Sora noticed one other man he recognized. "Why is the Archmage here?" He wondered as he stared at the man calmly sitting to his left. As he wondered Keyne placed his hand on his lower back. "Have a seat here in the centre. I will pass the documents you had transcribed to His Majesty." Keyne whispered as he gently pushed Sora to his seat.

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