Chapter 7: Lunch

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As Galen explained the world and Sora looked through the books Hedrek had prepared he learned the new world wasn't that different from Earth.

"The overall ecosystem is the same, four distinct season, mountains, rivers, lakes, plains, and a large ocean. It's good it's similar, this gives me hope that my plan to farm my own food will work. The biggest difference would have to be the different races and monsters.

"Sora as you can see from the three of us their are several different races that coexist in this world. I am an elf, Sir Keyne is a human, Hedrek is a beastman. There are also dwarves, sprites, merpeople, and demons. Each race tends to be centralized in a specific country or area, but the Kingdom of Norvich is uniquely diverse. Although the majority of its residents are of the human race." Galen explained.

"Are there many wars or discrimination between the countries because of racial differences?" Sora asked. He knew Earth had many problems despite the differences between people on Earth being minor when compared to those is this fantastical world.

"Historically, yes. Presently, there aren't wars. However discrimination is always a part of society. Where there are differences there will be conflict. We can only do our best to minimize and rectify its negative impact on our lives and the lives of those unjustly affected by it." Hedrek said.

Sora was glad the world wasn't at war. He didn't want to have to worry about an enemy or having to hate someone because the weren't human. But listening to Hedrek's words he knew he would need to be careful not to allow his ignorance of these knew races to affect his behaviour or judgement. The fact he stared in shock at Hedrek when they first met was shameful enough.

"Don't worry. If you make a mistake sincerely apologize and explain you meant no disrespect." Keyne explained when he noticed Sora's unease.

"Norvich has a lot of diversity, but it's not unusual for those living in the empire or other kingdoms to go their entire lives without meeting someone of a different race. Even I have only met less than a dozen merpeople. All you need to do is remember that although we may look different we all have the right to live in this world. And we all equally deserve to have great adventures, loved ones, prosperity, education, and freedom. As long as you keep that in mind there should be no problems no matter who you meet." Galen added.

As a famous Archmage, Galen who ran the most prestigious magic academy in Norvich he had not only met but taught people from every race at his school. The same could be said about Keyne, who a knight working for the royal family, had the unique pleasure of traveling to many countries and welcoming foreign dignitaries to the palace.

Feeling a little better Sora was able to let out a deep breath he had unconsciously been holding in.


"Hey, Hey! Ready for lunch!" Ewella suddenly yelled from the doorway.

"Princess Ewella, it's a pleasure to see you again." Archmage Galen said the moment he saw her.

"Principal Galen? I didn't know you would be here. Did you also want to join us for lunch? Mom's arranged it in the garden." She exclaimed.

"That sounds wonderful. Sir Sora I believe this is the perfect time to take a break. Let's go out to lunch." Galen said.

"Great! I'll go first and tell Mom." Ewella said before running off again.

"I forgot about lunch." Sora muttered. In all honesty, he wanted to cancel and eat in the room again.

Keyne could see Sora's less than enthusiastic response. So he decided to give him a reason to look forward to it. "This is a good opportunity to have a look at the palace garden. I can give you a tour."

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