Chapter 45: Cough

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After stopping by the butcher and purchasing several different varieties of meat and the docks to get some fish Keyne and Sora were done. Or at least Sora thought they were done.

"Sora there's two more places I want to stop by." Keyne said as he took Sora's hand and turned down a different street.

"Haven't we gotten everything we came out for?" Sora asked. He went over everything they bought and couldn't think of anything they might have missed.

"I want to stop by the clinic to have you checked and to pick up some medications that might be useful. After that we can go to Merchants Guild and ask around for the kid Geoff we met our first day here."

"Why?" Sora could understand the medicine but not the boy.

"I need someone to help take care of Gallos while we are gone. Geoff did us a favour on the first day and I suspect he could use the money." Keyne explained.

"Gallos?! I completely forgot. We also have Marimo. Should Marimo stay behind?" Sora asked as he reached up and patted the fluffy little monster curled up in his hair.

"Just try to get rid of me!!" Marimo exclaimed telepathically to Keyne.

"Marimo will be fine coming with us. As for Gallos. I would have liked to take him along but the Call to Adventure's boat wasn't large enough for everyone plus a Bayard. Even if he shrunk down to his smallest size.

"Sorry. We'll need to buy a large boat that can fit Gallos when we can. It's not fair to leave him behind every time we go there." Sora said.

"No, a boat that large requires several men to sail. We can hire a boat to bring us across when we need to bring Gallos. For regular use a smaller more manageable boat will suffice." Keyne said.

"My Sora can be so thoughtful at times." Keyne thought completely ignoring the fact Sora had forgotten about Gallos until a few minutes ago.


"Oh if it isn't Mr. Intimidation. You seem to be in a happier mood today." The doctor exclaimed when Keyne he saw him.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour the other day." Keyne said his head hanging low.

"What did you do?" Sora asked curiously.

"You're husband was completely impatient. Carrying you in his arms he scared nearly half my patients away." The doctor explained with a hearty laugh.

"Keyne, you should be more patient. You're lucky the doctor didn't refuse to help. Doctor I'm sorry." Sora chastised. While inwardly he was embarrassed at the thought of being carried in broad daylight for everyone to see.

Keyne however was happy when Sora didn't deny the doctor's use of the word 'husband'.

"It's fine. It made for an interesting story to tell my wife when I returned home for dinner, but I would appreciate it if he were more patient next time."

"Keyne?" Sora urged Keyne to apologize as well. He was glad Keyne cared about him, but it wouldn't be good if he did it again.

"I'll try my best." Keyne said. Although he didn't have much faith in himself.

"How are you feeling now?" The doctor asked.


"He has a cough." Keyne added before Sora could finish speaking.

The doctor and Sora both looked at Keyne with disapproval. Keyne could tell he was acting too hasty again. So he shut up and took a step back allowing Sora to answer the doctor's question.

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