Chapter 35: Lacus Town

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"Keyne why does everyone seem so down? Did something happen? Do they not like the stew?" Sora asked as he handed Keyne another bowl of stew.

Keyne looked around. Everywhere he looked he saw men on the verge of tears as they ate Sora's delicious Blue Taran stew. "Don't worry about them." Keyne said.

Despite Keyne telling him not to worry Sora couldn't ignore the fact everyone around them seemed depressed.

When dinner was finished Sora walked over to Jasper and Ragnar with the plates. "Jasper, Ragnar, did you like the stew?" Sora asked. The more he thought about it the confident he was in the stew he made using Blue Taran.

"Love! It was really delicious. I was surprised you could get the meat so tender." Jasper exclaimed.

"Is that so?" Sora said not quite believing his words.

"Sir Sora did you not like the stew?" Ragnar asked when he noticed Sora wasn't too thrilled about the compliment.

"I also like it, but everyone looks so depressed eating it." Sora said as he looked around.

"Oh, that. They aren't gloomy because the food is bad. They're gloomy because the food is too good." Ragnar explained.

Sora didn't understand what Ragnar meant. "If it's good shouldn't they be happy?"

"Of course, but when they remember how we'll be reaching Lacus Town tomorrow they can't help but want to cry." Jasper clarified.

Sora still couldn't understand why they were sad. Looking more confused than ever Sora look over to Keyne for help.

"Everyone loves eating your food. Once we reach Lacus Town they won't be able to eat your cooking." Keyne added.

Finally understanding the problem Sora felt conflicted. He was happy everyone liked his cooking, but he also couldn't help but feel bad for them. "I didn't make anything amazing. What did they eat before that they would get so depressed over my food?" Sora wondered. He couldn't help but feel pity for the men around him.

Keyne could see the pity in Sora's eyes and wanted to laugh. The reason he felt like laughing was because unlike them he would be staying with Sora long after they returned to the Capital.

"Keyne when we get to Lacus Town is there a way I can borrow a kitchen to cook for everyone?" Sora asked after some thought.

"It depends. If you decide to rent a house there won't be a problem. But if we stay at an inn it'll depend on what the innkeeper says." Keyne said.

"If we can't find a kitchen maybe we could find an empty field or something?" Sora added.

He really wanted to cook everyone something delicious before they left. Not just one meal either, he hoped he could make them enough to last a few days as thanks for helping him along the way.

"I'll ask around when we arrive." Keyne promised feeling a little sour. He didn't like how much attention Sora was giving the others. But he also loved how thoughtful Sora was.


The rest of the day moved quick. Knowing they would reach Lacus Town by noon the next day Sora started feeling anxious.

"What's on your mind?" Keyne asked Sora who was tossing and turning in bed next to him.

"I was just thinking of all the work I need to do starting tomorrow?" Sora said as he sat up in bed.

Keyne moved next to him ready to listen and offer any advice he might need.

Glad for the company Sora went over all his worries long into the night. It wasn't until just before daybreak that Sora finally talked himself to sleep. Sitting in the carriage with Sora curled up next to him Keyne could hear the men outside preparing to depart. It was another sleepless night for Keyne but he didn't mind.

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