Chapter 36: Adventurer's Guild

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The moment Sora stepped into town he was overwhelmed by the amount of people crowded in front.

As someone who grew up on Earth he was no stranger to crowds. Especially during rush hour. But after spending days traveling through the desolate plains to suddenly entering a crowded street Sora felt overwhelmed.

Keyne grabbed hold of his hand and pulled him close. Together they headed down the busy street towards the North. "Is the merchants guild close?" Sora asked as he was pulled along by Keyne.

"It's closer to the North gate, maybe a ten to fifteen minute walk away." Keyne said.

As they walked Sora observed their surroundings. Unlike Capital City there seemed to be more humans, with a few beastman walking through the streets. Most men looked burly and rough, Sora's first thought was that they were fishermen.

"Is Lacus Town known more for fish than farmland?" Sora asked.

"This far North the growing season is shorter than down South. They also have the plains not far away so most rely on the lake to survive. But that doesn't mean there aren't farms. Although you'll have a shorter growing season there's no reason you can't live comfortably." Keyne reassured Sora before he started doubting his choice.

Chatting about this and that as they walked they soon came up on a large building with carriages and carts pulling in and parked around. "It's like a loading bay." Sora thought as he looked at the traffic.

"The main office should be the building over there." Keyne pointed out.

Entering the building Sora saw several people moving about. Without pause Keyne walked over to an open counter.

"Excuse me, we would like to talk about rental properties." Keyne said to the young woman on the other side of the counter.

"Good morning. What type of property are you interested in renting?" She asked unaffected by Keyne's brusque attitude.

"Sora?" Keyne motioned for Sora to take the lead.

"I need a property with a large storage area to store ten carriages worth of items, a stable large enough for a Bayard, and a flexible rental time."

"Is there any preference for location?" The young woman asked as she pulled up a book.

"I'd prefer somewhere either close to the lake or a little away from town where it's quieter." He knew it would be safer closer to town but he didn't want to live in the city. As for being near the lake he hoped maybe he could go swimming if the water was warm enough. Even if it wasn't looking out on the water would be nice.

Listening to Sora's requirements the young woman quickly shifted through the pages and pulled out three properties.

"These two properties are farmland. This one is located ten minutes outside the East gate. It has a large barn you can use for storage and a stable to house a Bayard.
This other one is also a farm, it's been empty for a few years now. It's located 30 minutes from here through the West Gate and five minutes from the lake.
The last property is here in town but the area is known to be quiet. It belonged to an old fisherman who recently retired. It has a large storage unit, stable, and boat dock." The woman explained.

Sora looked at the three properties. Each had their pluses and minuses. "Keyne what do you think?"

"You were planning on buying a boat. Having a dock to store it when you do seems good." Keyne said as he pointed to the third one. The third property was in town but the woman said it was a quiet area. "If keyne thinks it's the best choice I guess it's okay." Sora thought.

"How much does this one cost?" Sora asked the young woman.

"It's on the higher end at 1 gold per week." She said.

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