Chapter 57: Returning to Shore

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The next morning Sora wanted to curl up and hide. The embarrassment from the previous night's 'activities' were vividly remembered by him.

"I can't believe we helped each other in that way last night? Even if I was in a good mood because we decided to get married I can't believe I forgot we were in this thin tent not a few meters away from other people." Sora thought as he tried to disappear into the blankets.

"Sora, sweetheart, it's time to wake up." Keyne called out from the tent's entrance.

"I don't want to go out." Sora thought as he refused to move.

Unfortunately they were on a deadline and Keyne had already let Sora sleep in later than usual.

"Sora, hurry up. The sun is already rising in the sky. We need to leave soon if you want to get back to Lacus Town by tonight." Keyne said. He could tell Sora was awake so he saved him the added embarrassment of his more intimate morning routine.

Sora grumbled a few seconds more before finally emerging from the covers. Keyne gave him a breathtakingly handsome smile.

Waking up Sora was red from embarrassment but Keyne was in the greatest mood imaginable. Not only did he and Sora take a step forward physically but Sora had also agreed to marry him once they got back to Lacus Town.

Sora quickly washed and began preparing breakfast. They only had a small amount of potatoes left so Sora made potato pancakes rather than the usual hash browns.

He mixed flour with shredded potato, meat, and dried scallions to make a denser savoury pancake. For added measure he diced and fried some more meat to satisfy the meat lovers on the team.

The team didn't hesitate to eat the newest creation from Sora. They had come to expect only delicious food from him.

"It's delicious! Definitely worth the wait. I was getting so hungry but your hubby refused to let us wake you up early. Something about you being too tired. Which, if you ask me, doesn't make sense. Last night you guys were a lot less active than usual." Rogue exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Sora asked with a foreboding feeling nagging at the corner of his mind.

"You know. Usually you guys are pretty wild at night with your tossing and turning. Sometimes I swear it sounds more like a fight than passionate lovemaking. Hahaha! But last night you guys were pretty quiet. Yet your hubby said you were tired. It doesn't make sense." Rogue shamelessly explained.

Sora went pale. "Don't tell me they think we do 'it' every night?! Why would they think that?" The very thought sending Sora in a panic.

"Keyne!" He exclaimed as he grab him and pulled him into their tent.

"Sora, what's wrong?" Keyne asked. He had been packing their things and hadn't heard Rogue's comment.

"What's wrong. Ev... everyone thinks we're doing 'it'. Not just last night but every night!" Sora whispered loudly.

"Is that all?" Keyne said after some thought. He wasn't surprised the others assumed they had been making love. They slept in the same tent and he never held back on showing off their relationship. Most of which Sora hadn't even noticed.

"Why are you so calm? I don't even understand why? We always quietly go to sleep. But Rogue says it sounds like we're making passionate love?! Why would he think that?" Sora questioned. The revelation that everyone had such thoughts about them was causing him to lose his composer.

"Quiet. I wouldn't say it's quiet."

Keyne could guess the reason. Sora didn't realize it, but his poor sleeping habits often led to some ambiguous sounds at night. Keyne never felt it necessary to try and quiet it down either.

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