Chapter 71: Elder Treant Pt.1

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"It's so quiet." Sora muttered as he watched the water's surface.

"Keyne said Sumi was following us but I haven't seen him. I wonder if he'll show up for something shiny?" Sora thought as he dug into his bag for some type of worthless token he could use to tempt the kelpie.

Soon he found what looked like a button. "Keyne is this important?" Sora asked.

"That? It's probably a button that fell off something. Why?"

Sora then threw the button towards the water.


Suddenly from the water an ink black horse leaped forward and caught the shiny little button. Before once again diving back in the water.

"How interesting." Sora thought at the sight. "Should I throw something else?" Sora's hands were itching to play with the monster.

"Sora you shouldn't give him things without a good reason." Keyne said. He was obviously not as impressed by the Kelpie's quick reaction.

"Why not? He likes it and it's interesting."

"If you keep giving him them without reason he'll get spoiled and won't consider them as a reward anymore." Keyne explained.

"So I can only give him something as a reward? In that case it's fine. He deserved it." Sora said in his defence.

"What has he done to deserve a reward?" Keyne questioned.

"Hasn't he been keeping the water around the boat safe while swimming alongside us? That's deserving of a reward. He'll also be helping us get to shore later by clearing the water of any monsters. Another reason to receive a reward. That's two. So it's fine if I throw another." Sora reasoned as he dug through the bag for another shiny object.

"Sora I get what your saying but don't give it to him now. He can have his reward after we get to shore." Keyne said still not convinced.

"Tch! Stingy." Sora muttered as he gave up and lay down on the ship bored.

Keyne felt hurt by the remark. But also amused that his sweet Sora would be so interested in throwing shiny objects at a monster.

"If your bored why don't you take a nap? You didn't get much sleep last night." Keyne suggested.

"Isn't that your fault. I remember only agreeing to one kiss." Sora said.

"My fault? I wasn't the one wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer." Keyne wanted to say but instead he stayed quiet.


"What is it?"

"Will the Elder Treant try to attack us?" Sora asked as he looked up at the sky.

"As we move through the forest and approach we will need to be careful not to harm any of the forest. If we do it might attack." Keyne said.

"Should I wait for you at the shore instead? I don't have the confidence to move through a forest carefully." Sora remarked. He knew his clumsiness better than anyone. Even with Keyne next to him he wouldn't be able to avoid breaking branches or stumbling over plant roots.

"It's fine. I'll carry you." Keyne said.

"Sorry." Sora answered when he heard Keyne's answer.

"Sweetheart you don't have to apologize. If I wasn't confident I could protect you I would have left you back at the house."

"Protect me, sigh* Keyne is it naive of me to not want to fight? To not want to learn how to use magic in an offensive way?" Sora asked. It was something he had been worried about for awhile.

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