Chapter 97: Badump

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Sora found himself in the same dream sequence. He was walking through a decaying forest. But this time halfway through the scenery changed. He found himself next the small little house Keyne had built and the spring. Sora walked around a little confused but not scared.

"Keyne, where are you?" He called out.

As expected he received no answer. He walked around the house and went inside. Everything was exactly the same. But Sora knew it was a dream.

As he walked through the area he felt a warmth over his heart. He looked down and it seemed to have come from the little bag around his neck.

He opened the sack and found the little maple seed glowing a light green.

"How curious..." Sora thought.

He held the little seed in his hand. Then he had an idea. He didn't know why but he felt like he should try to use his magic on the little seed.

Sora closed his eyes and channeled his magic into the little seed. He thought about what the Treant had said and pictured his magic flowing through the seed. He thought back to his grade school science class. He tried to imagine how water is absorbed by plants and applied it to his own magic.

Sora soon noticed a change. The little seed began to grow. Like a time-lapse video Sora watched the little seed grow roots then a stem then leaves. It's size grew larger and heavy. Sora was surprised by the situation and dropped the little seed on the ground.

Once on the ground its roots dug into the soil and continued to grow at a frightening speed. It changed from a seedling to full grown tree before Sora had time to think. Its leaves towering above.

Sora looked at the tree and noticed it growing closer to the little house Keyne had built them.

"No! Don't break it!" He shouted. The plant reacted and its roots moved to avoid the little house. It changed its position but didn't stop growing. Its size kept increasing at a frightening speed.

Sora felt a pain in his chest. His heart was racing. "Am I having a heart attack? No, I can't be. This is a dream." Sora thought. He knelt down on the ground afraid.



Bang!! Boom!! Crack!!

The area shook. Keyne thought it was an earthquake. He quickly ran towards Sora. He had built the house and trusted its construction but the shaking was terrible.

The trees shook as Keyne tried his best to run as fast as he could. Despite his best efforts the shaking made it difficult. The ground was unsteady. As he made his way back to the spring Keyne witnessed something unbelievable.

A tree, a large tree was emerging from the forest. Keyne went pale. It was in the direction of the spring. He moved faster. Using wind magic and empowering magic to quicken his steps. He flew through the forest like a panther through a jungle.

When he reached the area that was once open he saw the little house surrounded by roots. The house was still intact. Not a scratch on it. But the tree continued to grow next to it.

Keyne ran over to the house. He avoided all the roots and rocks moving around him. His goal was simple. He needed to find Sora.

He opened the door. Inside the small house everything was quiet; too quiet. Keyne went directly to the bed.

"Sora?" He called out as he pulled the blankets away.
It was empty.

Sora was gone. Keyne's eyes grew red his breath quickened as he glanced around the room. Looking around he noticed the netting he had placed over one of the windows was gone.

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