Chapter 115: Koll

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Arthek saw Keyne the moment he emerged from the forest. He ran over to ask about what was going on. The situation was a lot worse than it was the previous time and the workers were frightened.

"Arthek, Sorry for the mess. I'll handle things." Keyne said.

"I trust you will. Could you explain what is happening?" Arthek asked.

"The men I warned you about have returned with the excuse of subjugated my tamed kelpie. Things are hectic but I assure you the workers will be safe and the situation will be settled soon. While I deal with this have the workers stand back." Keyne said.

He then continued forward with Gallos to the docks. He had to deal with the situation before his monsters ran out of patience.


Reaching the dock Keyne found Captain Kaver standing by his boat. He looked anxious and ready to depart at any moment.

"Keyne! There you are." Kaver shouted.

"Gallos you stay here and watch the docks and shoreline with Gwynn." Keyne instructed. Gallos nodded its head and trotted away.

"Captain Kaver, may I use your boat?" Keyne asked.

"Of course. I am ready to go at any time."

"You do not have to come if you are feeling uneasy." Keyne could tell the captain was nervous about sailing into the mess Sumi and Aweni had caused.

"It's not a problem. But how can those men come back? Do they not care about your status?" Kaver asked.

He couldn't understand how they could return after what Keyne said about it being an act against the king. To go against the king was an act of treason; a death sentence. It seemed more than just a little unbelievable.

"They are using the excuse of subjugating a kelpie, not investigation. It is a ridiculous excuse to get close. Honestly they are just idiots." Keyne said. He was getting more and more annoyed.

Dealing with the intruders was one thing but having his tamed beasts shouting and complaining in his head about it being annoying, how they wanted to blast them all away, and how persistent the men were was also grating on his nerves.

Captain Kaver could tell Keyne was not in the best of moods. So he didn't ask anymore questions and simply set sail. He headed towards Sumi who was at the centre of the chaos.

"You're finally here. Can I sink them now?" Sumi begged.

"You can't sink them. I promised the workers no ships would be sunk by you or anyone else for that matter." Keyne retorted.

"Then what the heck are we supposed to do? I'm tired of just pushing them away." Sumi said. He was frustrated and so was Aweni.

Bam... splash*

Bam... splash*

Aweni shot several fireballs near the bows of the ships. The flames barely scorching them before disappearing into a steaming explosion of water.

"This is humiliating. I am a proud and strong firebird. Everyone watching must think I am a joke the way I keep missing the enemy." Aweni complained.

"You aren't missing the enemy, you're sending out warning shots. There is a difference. Change your perspective, those accurate shots are very impressive." Keyne said in an attempt to calm Aweni who was quickly flying through the air launching fireball after fireball.

Unfortunately his words were little use at this point. If he exercised his rights as their master he could force them to stop. However he didn't like using it. When used the monster would feel as though their body was possessed. It was unpleasant for them and Keyne always looked at his tamed monsters as companions. To force his will on them would break the trust he had build with them.

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