Chapter 25: Monsters

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The next day everyone quietly left Laguna Town after replenishing their supplies.

Sora had chosen to ride Gallos along with Keyne. He knew he'd feel sore afterwards but he was limited in what he could see while riding the carriage making it rather boring. On top of Gallos he would have a better view and more freedom.

"Keyne according to the map we aren't far from the lake. Could we maybe travel along the shore for a little while?" Sora asked as he rode Gallos together with Keyne.

"The road is maintained a distance away from the lake because it reduces the number of monster encounters. But if you want to separate from the caravan and go just the two of us it should be fine for awhile. Afterwards we can rejoin the caravan when everyone stops for lunch." Keyne suggested.

"If it's not too much trouble." Sora said. He felt a bit embarrassed to be selfishly asking to make a detour, but he wanted to see as much as possible while Keyne was by his side to explain things.

Calling the Guard Captain over Keyne quickly explained the situation before trotting off to see the lake with Sora.


Sora looked at the vast stunningly beautiful lake in awe. He had seen it on several maps but looking at a drawing and witnessing it in person where two separate things. "It's beautiful." He thought as he looked at the shimmering water gently rippling as the wind blew past.

"Have you never seen a large lake before?" Keyne asked with a far less impressed tone.

"I've seen the ocean and pictures of lakes but nothing can compare to how beautiful this lake is. The ocean near my home was what could only be described as dark and depressing. It gave off a sense of mystery and it wasn't somewhere I would recommend anyone swim. But this lake, with its alluring colour and natural beauty it makes me want to jump right in."

"Do you like swimming? If you do we can stop and take a quick dip. The water should be warm and with Gallos it won't be difficult reaching the caravan by lunch no matter how late we stay." Keyne offered.

Sora was excited by the suggestion but then he remembered one important detail. "I didn't bring a swimsuit."

"Swimsuit. Sora we're both men. There's nothing to hide even if we went in naked. But I can understand if you're feeling shy. In which case we can wear our underwear. Drying them when we are done will be quick with wind magic." Keyne suggested with more enthusiasm than he wished to admit.

Sora looked at Keyne with suspicion. "Why does he sound so eager to go swimming? Does he also like swimming?" He wondered.

"What do you say Sora, should we stop and swim for a little while?" Keyne asked once more.

Despite his suspicions Sora gave in to the tempting offer. The moment he did Keyne inwardly cheered at the chance to see Sora in his underwear. He wasn't a pervert by nature but for reasons he didn't quite understand, his desire to see ALL of Sora were strong. A desire he never had for anyone before; man or woman.

Sora quietly started to undress. Everything was fine but the moment he took off his shirt the hairs at the back of his neck stood on end warning him of danger. Turning around quick he expected to see a monster.

"Keyne?! Wha... what are you doing sneaking up behind me!" Sora exclaimed. He was both relieved to see Keyne and confused by the dangerous feeling he just had.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Keyne said. His eyes darting back and forth in guilt. He didn't mean to stare but he couldn't help it. The moment Sora took off his shirt his eyes were drawn to him. "He's surprisingly muscular but his back." Keyne thought as he took another long glance at Sora's shirtless self.

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