Chapter 50: Exploration - the open field

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The next day Sora was awakened early in the morning by Keyne. Unlike before while travelling, Sora didn't have the luxury to remain in bed until late in the afternoon. He also needed to cook breakfast for everyone.

Yawn* "Keyne should breakfast be heavy or light?"

"What do you mean?"

"I could make something light and quick. Something like a soup or will something heartier be better? Something like pancakes or a sandwich. I can also make hash browns with potato and meat."

Sora was unsure so he listed several options. Usually he would have made eggs but they didn't bring any because of how fragile they are.

"I think something like the potatoes and meat would be good. We have a busy day and something more filling would be better." Keyne said.

They had filled half of Keyne's bag full of potatoes because they were available and could last several days. They also provided an abundance of energy.

"Got it." Sora said as he began pulling potatoes out of the bag. While he did that Keyne went over to the fire where Blaine was currently sitting.

"Blaine did anything occur last night?" Keyne asked. He unlike the others didn't participated in the night's watch. But rather stayed in bed with Sora sleeping soundly in his arms.

"Nothing much. We saw a few golden bats but those things are harmless in small numbers. We only need to worry about them if we find a cave nearby." Blaine reported.

"I appreciate the update. We will depart after breakfast and head south, south west." Keyne said before walking back over to where Sora was busy dicing potatoes for breakfast.

Casa had also seen Sora preparing breakfast and decided to head over and help. His thoughts were simple. "Every time Sora cooks I can learn something new."

With Keyne and Casa by his side dicing the potatoes, cured ham, onion, garlic, and leftover roast. He didn't add much onion, garlic, or other seasoning because the roast beef was already seasoned.

Sora didn't have anything he particularly felt was needed to go with the hash browns. The potato and meat dish seemed sufficient given the lack of ingredients.

"This next week will be a lot of potato and meat dishes." Sora thought. He didn't hate it himself. Rather he really enjoyed eating meat and potatoes contrary to his previous rice rich diet. His problem was that he was worried the others might get bored with his cooking. Especially Keyne.

"Keyne when we get back I'll make us a vegetable stir-fry or a quiche, if we get cheese I can do omelets or croque madame, there are a lot of great things we can have for breakfast." Sora said as he held up a fork full of hash browns for Keyne to try.

Keyne took a bite of the rustic mixture. It wasn't he first time seeing such a dish but he could swear the taste was thousands of times better than anything he had ever eaten before.

"Sora you're an amazing cook. Everything you make is delicious. I can't wait to try your next recipe." Keyne said after a few moments.

Like Keyne the others were once again happy to eat Sora's food. Everyone except Saira. At this point Sora didn't even bother fixing her a plate. Keyne had also only given her a quick glance before returning his focus to Sora.

"She's positioned herself further away. It would seem Blaine and Gene have decided to distance her from us rather than remedy the problem." Keyne concluded. He wasn't too happy with their choice.

If she were his subordinate he would have had her spend the night doing basic training until she apologized to the client and changed her attitude. Then after returning from the mission she would be fired. But he was not her team leader. Although he did hire them he had no right or desire to discipline the adventurer. He could only leave her to Blaine and Gene.

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