Chapter 143: Repeated interruptions

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"Keyne wait, are you not going to talk to me? I just chose to help you. The least you can do is thank me." Genevieve said.

"Thank you? We never would have had this problem if you didn't lie in the first place." Sora rebuked on Keyne's behalf.

"I'm not talking to you." Genevieve snapped.

"Genevieve I appreciate you telling the truth before things progressed further but it doesn't forgive you lying in the first place." Keyne added.

"I understand that but are you not at least interested in why I changed my mind or what I know about the nobles' plot?" Genevieve asked.

"Genevieve, honestly I think it would be best if we don't speak for a while. You can discuss the reason and what you know with Prince Jodi." Keyne said.

"Keyne, I told the truth because I consider our friendship too important to give up. You can't not speak with me." She begged with tears rolling down her flushed cheeks.

"Genevieve our friendship is important, but I can't forgive what you did so easily. Not after everything you've said about my husband." Keyne said before taking Sora's hand and quickly walking away. Genevieve wasn't convinced and tried walking over but suddenly Prince Jodi appeared and stopped her.

"Where did he come from?" Sora wondered as he looked back.

"Sweetheart, ignore them." Keyne said as they turned the corner.


After returning to their room at the inn Sora immediately went over to their luggage.

"Sweetheart, do you want to talk about what happened?" Keyne asked. He knew Sora was curious about the conversation he had with Genevieve in private.

"We can talk while we head over to the lake." Sora said as he grabbed his swimsuit.

"Lake? Damn I forgot I said we'd go swimming after meeting with the judge." Keyne thought with regret. He hoped Sora would either forget or their meeting with the judge would run late and he could use the fact it would be dark soon to dissuade him from going.

"Keyne, do you not want to go swimming?" Sora asked. He had noticed Keyne looking uneasy the moment he mentioned swimming.

"Sweetheart I know you love swimming but the weather is getting colder..."

"You always blame it on the weather. I don't see why you hate me swimming so much. When we first went swimming together you had no problem with it." Sora pointed out.

"I don't hate you swimming, but I can't help but worry you'll get sick."

"I won't."

"Sweetheart, you had a fever yesterday."

"I'll be fine. Let's go." Sora said.


To get to the lake they needed to leave the city and head for the docks located ten minutes away by Kirin. They headed to a place just outside the gate to rent a Kirin they could use.

"Sir Keyne, Sir Sora, I have come to escort you to my master's estate." An older man suddenly said the moment they walked out of the inn.

"Who is your master?" Keyne asked. The man seemed insulted by Keyne's question.

"My master is the honourable Lord Henessy."

"No." Keyne said the moment he heard the title of Lord.

"You cannot refuse." The man said in shock.

"Yes, we can." Keyne said. He then took Sora's hand with plans to walk away. The butler was determined not to let them leave. He stepped forward to block their path.

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