Chaoter 108: Picturing the Future(pt.2)

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Keyne took Sora out and they headed around the property. Keyne took him to see the boathouse but refused to let him in the other secret structure. Despite the way Sora begged.

At one point he even tried sneaking away when Keyne was busy talking with one of the workers. Keyne however had never taken his eyes of a Sora and quickly caught him.

"You little rascal, be good. You'll be able to see it when everything is done." Keyne said as he lifted Sora over his shoulder.

"Hey put me down!" Sora complained his legs flailing behind him.

"I'll put you down if you promise not to try and peek at the building." Keyne said.

"I don't like secrets or surprises." Sora grumbled.

"I'm sorry, but you'll like this one. Just be patient." Keyne said as he carried him over to the stables.

"Okay! I won't look, so please put me down. This is humiliating." Sora complained while hiding his bright red face in his hands.

Satisfied, Keyne but him down. They then continued over to the stables. Keyne planned to use Gallos to show him the road and farm further away.

When they walked into the stable that was large, spacious, and filled with sunlight. Sora was surprised by the luxurious stable that seemed more amazing than most houses.

"Gallos must love this place?" Sora said.

"He does."

"Love? It's acceptable. But the men here are far from talented when it comes to my care. Once all of this is done I expect you to return to your usual duties. I won't accept such mediocrity after it is all done." Gallos complained.

Keyne was aware Gallos had been less than happy with the attention he got. Normally he expected a rub down every night. During the day his bedding should be hung in the sun for that fresh sun kissed touch. As for food, he expected fresh vegetables and baked goods.

Right now such treatment was too much to ask for. Everyone was busy with their work. Arthek had people help as best they could but Keyne never told them about Gallos' special requirements. They also needed to be careful about giving Gallos better food then the workers. He was after all a monster not a person in their eyes.

"For bearing with this situation I thank you. Sora will be growing fresh food soon. When he does I'll ask him to give you a share." Keyne said to appease Gallos.

"I accept." Gallos said even though he wanted more.


"Midori you look so fat!" Sora exclaimed when he saw the fat round green cub waddling towards him.

"Hahaha! Keyne, why is it so fat?" Sora asked. The little cub was always a little chubby, but now it was like a big green ball. One misstep and he was afraid Midori would roll without ever stopping.

"Its either been eating too much or it's going to hit a growth spurt soon." Keyne said. He also had to admit the Ursa Terra cub was fat.

"What's fat?" Little Midori asked.

"It's not bad. It just means your getting bigger." Keyne told the naive little cub.

"Will I be as big as uncle Gallos?" Midori excitedly asked.

"Maybe. If you work hard and try your best." Keyne said with a light laugh.

"What's so funny?" Sora asked. He couldn't hear the conversation between the two of them.

"Midori just asked if he will be big like Gallos." Keyne answered.

"Is that so, he really does love Gallos, doesn't he?" Sora found it interesting how attached Midori had gotten to Gallos. He gently pet the little Midori.

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