Chapter 14: Progress

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After dinner Sora and Keyne returned to his room. The others originally wanted to follow but Archmage Galen had to return to the meeting whereas Princess Ewella was told it was too late at night for her too visit. As for Hedrek, he had politely left along with Galen.

"Keyne, could you help me with my magic again?" Sora asked. He had realized in the kitchen how important learning magic was. At first, he believed it wouldn't be a big deal. Maybe a little inconvenient in regards to bathing and starting fires, but he was confident he could find alternatives.

But today in the kitchen he saw how many appliances rely on magic to function. If he wanted to have more than just a stove lit by firewood he'd need to learn basic magic. If he wanted a fridge he would need intermediate magic, in the end he couldn't escape the need to learn magic.

With a new and stronger resolve Sora asked for help and without hesitation Keyne agreed. "Have a seat. Before we start I think we need to discuss how magic works some more." Keyne said after some consideration.

"We've tried the usual method of activating magic and it doesn't seem to be showing any progress. So I've been thinking maybe we should try something else. Sora, do you trust me?" Keyne asked as he knelt down in front of Sora.

"Why is he kneeling and sounding so serious? Does he want to try something considered dangerous or forbidden?" Sora thought as he looked at Keyne suspiciously.

"It's nothing dangerous, it just requires me to hold you close." Keyne said when he noticed Sora lean back.

"Close? How close?"

"We will need to embrace while laying in bed together." Keyne explained his ears turning a light pink.

"Is that all? I guess laying in bed in a man's embrace could be a bit awkward but he doesn't have to make it sound so serious." Sora thought.

"It's fine." Sora agreed after some thought.

Getting the okay Keyne took Sora's hand and led him to the bed. The serious way he acted made Sora feel strangely nervous. His heart beating loudly in his chest as he looked at Keyne's strong wide back.

"Sora, it will last a little longer than our previous attempts. It's best to get comfortable." Keyne said as he sat on the bed and began removing his boots and weapon.

Sora nodded and slowly sat down next to Keyne and began taking off his shoes. "What's next?" Sora asked quietly.

"Next we lay down." Keyne answered also sounding strangely quiet. Sora nodded again before stiffly laying on the bed.

Keyne moved to the other side of the bed and lay down next to Sora. "Do you want me to lay facing you or would you prefer I turn the other way?" Sora asked as he found it hard to look him in the eye.

Keyne pulled Sora into his warm embrace. The sudden move caught Sora off guard. It wasn't until a few moments passed that he could finally breath again. Taking a deep breath he could smell a comforting scent.

"What's that smell? We just ate curry but why does he smell like a cool fall breeze passing through a field of chamomile?" With that thought Sora leaned in closer as he took another deep breath. Keyne gladly accommodated his little movements and held him tighter. Because of their height difference Sora's head snugly fit at the crook of Keyne's neck the enticing scent and warm breath felt warm and comforting.

"It's been a long time since I've been so close to anyone." Sora thought as he enjoyed the moment. Keyne wasn't opposed to the distance either. As he gently held Sora in his arms. Minutes passed before either of them remembered why they had gotten in bed together.

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