Chapter 18: Head Chef Jameson

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Coming out of the bath Sora found Keyne at the table. "Why are there snacks?" Sora said clearly remembering saying he wasn't hungry.

"They were sent over by Head Chef Jameson. Butler Hanz seems to have spoken to him about tomorrow. Hearing about your desire to discuss food he had someone send of these snack with the message that he'd come by after serving breakfast to talk. He also says he looks forward to going shopping with you tomorrow." Keyne said.

"The head chef seems really excited to meet." Sora thought as he looked at the snacks. They looked to be cookies and some sort of jam on toast. Sora thought as he looked at the purple thing on bread. "Keyne is that similar to what was sent over for lunch today?" Sora asked realizing the purple stuff smeared on the bread looked familiar.

"It's made with slime, but I think it's made with preserved fruit for a sweeter taste." Keyne said after taking a look.

Curious and feeling more daring Sora sat down and took a slice to eat. But before he did he looked at Keyne and said, "Have a seat and eat some, too."

Keyne had no objection and sat down next to Sora grabbing a toast or perhaps crostini would be more appropriate. Taking a bite he seemed satisfied with the taste.

Sora watched closely, before finally taking a bite of his own. "As expected the purple stuff has the texture of a jelly, the flavour itself isn't extraordinary, but has a gentle sweetness that pairs well with the well toasted baguette slice." Sora mused as he took another bite.

Before he had finished Keyne passed him a plate with one of the cookies. "Try these, they are sweet and often eaten by the Princess." Keyne remarked.

"Keyne do you like sweets?" Sora asked. As he picked up the cookie.

"I do, but I also liked the spicier curry you made yesterday." Keyne said.

"That curry wasn't what I would call spicy. I added a lot of sugar after all. But next time if you like spicy I can make it spicier? Or would you prefer it the same?" Sora asked not realizing his words held an expectation they would be together for a long time.

"I enjoyed the one you made yesterday, but I wouldn't be opposed to trying different variations. Not just of your curry but other dishes as well. You're cooking is unique but tasty. I look forward to trying more of them." Keyne said with a smile. He was obviously happy Sora included him in his plans for the future.

Sora however didn't notice and took a bite out of the cookie. "They taste like butter cookies with a touch of vanilla. The Head chef must be familiar with Haider. I wonder if he wouldn't mind stopping by Haider's Seasoning Shop tomorrow. I'd like to thank him for his help the other day and hand him the extra curry roux I made. Come to think of it maybe The Head Chef would also like some of my curry roux to try? But I don't have much left. If I give it to him I won't have enough leftover for myself. No, that doesn't matter. I can always make more. It's best to thank those who've helped me." Sora concluded after some thought as he finished the cookie Keyne had put on his plate.

"Sora about tomorrow, I won't be here in the morning when you wake up. I have a few things I need to take care of. While I'm gone Head Chef Jameson will most likely arrive. I've also arranged for breakfast to be sent over. It will be something simple like eggs and toast. If you liked the fruit slime I can have them send some of it over for breakfast tomorrow as well. Make sure you eat." Keyne said. His concern about Sora's appetite evident with how much he kept stressing the importance of eating regularly.

"Will you be gone all day?" Sora asked in return. His concern was less about food and more about where Keyne would be.

"Not too long. I should be back before lunch. Once I'm back we can head to town and eat lunch at a restaurant. Head Chef Jameson can come along as well and show you to all the shops so you can see what's available and learn more about this world's ingredients. What do you think?" Keyne asked.

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