Chapter 125: Walk (NSFW)

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Sora quietly floated in the water. Sometimes he'd glance over and see Keyne and Prince Jodi whispering. He was curious but after what happened earlier he decided to give them their space.

"Keyne?" Sora called out when it was time to get out.

He looked around but at some point Keyne and Prince Jodi had left. Not knowing where he was Sora headed over to the little cabin to change.

"Sweetheart." Keyne suddenly said from behind the door.

"Wha?! Don't just pop up out of nowhere." Sora grumbled angrily.

"Sorry. Are you finished with your swim?" Keyne casually asked.


Sora found Keyne's behaviour a little strange. The fact he wasn't watching him like a hawk while he swam was strange enough but he also stood nervously. His body swayed back and forth. His hand nervously twisting his ring.

"I'm going to change. What should we grow tonight?" Sora said.

"Instead of working on your plant magic let's go for a walk. We can check on all the sprouts I planted throughout the forest. Maybe they've grown?" Keyne suggested.

"Okay." Sora said dubiously. Keyne looked back nervously.

"Where's Prince Jodi?" Sora asked. He suspected that Keyne's strange behaviour was caused by the Prince.

"He went back to the field. It's just the two of us now. Hurry and get changed before you catch a cold." Keyne urged.

Sora was still feeling wary of Keyne's strange behaviour. Despite his concern he liked the idea of going for a walk. He changed into something warm and comfortable and was ready for their walk.

Keyne took Sora's hand and they strolled along. He didn't want to chance a run in with Prince Jodi. Keyne chose to head North away from the open field.


"This is nice. It's been a long time since we went for a little stroll. Actually, have we ever gone for a walk like this?" Sora wondered aloud.

"We haven't because things have been busy. From now on, it might be nice to go for a walk every few days together. We could also go into town more often? It might be nice to go shopping or have lunch at a restaurant from time to time?" Keyne suggested as they strolled along.

"Going for the occasional walk sounds nice but I don't think we need to go into town so often. Once the construction work is done we should have everything we need here." Sora said.

"We could go for fun?" Keyne suggested.

"What's fun about that? Do you like shopping and eating out?" Sora asked.

"Not really, but we don't have to stay home all the time." Keyne said. He was beginning to regret listening to Prince Jodi's advice.

"Keyne, are you bored spending everyday quietly with me? I know having a routine can seem boring for a lot of people. You don't have to accompany me everyday. If you want to do something more exciting I don't mind." Sora said.

"No. I love spending time together with you. I look forward to quietly spending our days together, farming and hunting. We can make jams and eat delicious foods. Most of all I look forward to exploring the house at night." Keyne said while squeezing Sora's waist.

"Do you only ever think about doing that? Honestly." Sora's tone sounded annoyed but Keyne could see the smile trying to break free.

"Admit my sweet. You're also looking forward to testing out the bed." Keyne whispered in a low and alluring voice.

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