Chapter 152: Home Again

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"How reliable." Sora said in disbelief. Despite Keyne explaining what had happened and how the prince had handled their problems he still struggled to believe it was all over.

"I know it's hard to imagine that guy being useful. Even so, when it really counts he always pulls through." Keyne said as he hugged Sora close.

"We should thank him. What can we do to thank him?" Sora asked.

"That can wait. I'll call Koll over and we can head home. The Prince and Archmage Galen will move forward with the caravan until they reach the village on the shores of Loe Lake."

"You mean the place I'll be growing crops from now on?" Sora asked.

"That's right. They are going to help set everything so all you need to do is go and grow things." Keyne said.

"Isn't it too cold now? I mean we haven't reached Loe Lake yet but the temperature has dropped a lot. Especially at night." Sora said.

"I've spoken with the Archmage and he thinks that even if it's cold with your magic the plants should grow fine. He wants to test how long we can grow things before it's no longer possible. That or until it's too cold to travel to the location from our house." Keyne explained.

"I want you to be honest. Are you going to be okay with me continuing to help grow fields of crops? These past couple weeks have been difficult for you." Sora asked as he gently poked Keyne's impressive chest.

"Difficult on me? I haven't done anything difficult. Why would you think I'm having a difficult time? Sweetheart, the person who's been having the hardest time these past few weeks is you." Keyne said with genuine concern.

"Keyne, you've been more than a little stressed. I know that in the past I've struggled with managing my emotions and have even had a meltdown not long ago. So I want you to trust me when I say you are STRESSED and on the verge of having one yourself." Sora said.

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine. Yesterday you were shouting to pack me up and carry me away as soon as possible." Sora pointed out.

"That was because you fainted again and I am worried about your health. I myself am perfectly fine." Keyne assured him. But Sora wasn't convinced.

"But you are worried about me?" Sora asked even though he already knew the truth.

"Of course." Keyne responded without hesitation.

"So I'll ask you again. Will you be okay with me growing more fields of plants after we return home?"

This time Keyne hesitated. He wanted to say it would be fine but there was a part of him that wanted to lock Sora away and protect him from the world.

"It will take more than a week before Archmage Galen and everyone reaches the village where we will start growing fields of plants. Plus the time it will take to set everything up. As long as you rest well during that time, I think it will be fine. But you need to rest. And if your health starts to decline we won't continue." Keyne said after contemplating what he wanted in his heart and what he knew was needed in his head.

"It will be good for both of us if we can have a healthy routine. We will get some rest, relax, and start a healthy peaceful life together." Sora said.

Keyne looked at Sora a little surprised by how calm he was being. He was surprised because Sora wasn't usually the calm one. At least not in this way.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Sora asked when he noticed Keyne's silent surprise.

"Nothing, I just think you're right about us needing rest. We both need to rest. Time to rest and relax and quietly spend time alone in our own home." Keyne said.

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