Chapter 130: Money

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"Should we go look at the other buildings?" Sora asked even though he would prefer staying in the house.

"I've already checked the others. They are exactly as planned and well built. I think we can go straight to finalizing the costs. This way Arthek and everyone can return to Town at a decent time." Keyne said.

"Arthek does that work for you?"Sora asked. He trusted Keyne's judgement. If Keyne said they were fine he was fine with them too.

"I have everything here for us to go over." Arthek said.

They quickly went over to the kitchen table to discuss things. Sitting down Arthek pulled up several piles of papers. Sora looked at them and felt his stomach drop. Arthek pulled out a single page from the pile.

"I've taken the liberty to go over the receipts and make this summarized bill."

Keyne went to grab the final invoice but Sora was quicker. Both Prince Jodi and Keyne were surprised at how quick Sora moved. In his surprise Keyne forgot to take the invoice away from him.

Sora eyes nearly popped out when he saw the final cost. "K... K... Keyne???" Sora stuttered his eyes turning red in shock.

Keyne took the invoice and saw the final amount. Unlike Sora it was within his expectations. The deductions from selling the logs and the points tent on the other hand were more than he expected.

"Everything seems to be in order." Keyne said.

Sora grabbed Keyne's sleeve and pulled hard. He didn't want to say anything in front of Arthek but there was no way they could afford the cost. It was almost three times his budget. Sora was so upset he nearly had another meltdown.

Keyne could tell Sora was getting anxious. He leaned in close and whispered reassuringly. "Sweetheart, don't worry. I have more than enough money to cover the costs."

Sora wasn't reassured at all. He was glad they could pay, but knowing Keyne was paying the majority didn't make him happy. It was supposed to be their home. How could it be theirs if Keyne payed for it. Noticing Sora was still upset Keyne decided they needed to talk.

"Will you give us a minute?" Keyne asked Arthek.

"Of course. The Prince and I will wait for you outside."

"No need Sora and I will go out on the deck." Keyne said before lifting Sora up in a princess hold and carrying him out the large French doors leading to the front deck.

Once outside Sora was ready to explode. "Keyne this is absolutely ridiculous! I thought things were supposed to be cheaper? Why are they so expensive? Why didn't anyone tell me the costs were going to grow and grow completely out of control?"

"Sweetheart, things are fine. It is very cheap considering we saved money by providing food and selling off logs and the points shop. Look how much money was saved. We made 40 gold selling the wood and the points shop."

Keyne showed him the deductions summary. Sora was glad they made some money. Unfortunately, it didn't put a dent in the final costs.

"Keyne I only had 150 gold to spend. Minus how much money I spent on getting here I gave Arthek the 100 gold deposit, plus the 50 gold you added to help shoulder the costs it's pitiful. Even if we consider the 40 gold made from selling the logs and jams it's only 190 gold. That doesn't include the cost of the jars and and seeds used to make the jams." The more Sora spoke the tighter his chest felt.

Keyne saw Sora spiralling and hugged him tight. "I know things are more expensive than you thought. I'll cover the costs. It's not a problem." Keyne said.

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