Chapter 106: Routine

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The meeting ran long. However they finally covered everything. All that was left was to end the meeting.

"Everyone, Keyne and I are aware that things have become more complicated. As an apology we will be adding a generous bonus to your pay."

The moment Sora mentioned more money the room that was serious and quiet was filled with smiles and  a low murmur again. Sora looked up at Keyne proud of his quick thinking. He hadn't discussed it with Keyne but he figured it would be okay.

The reason he said it was because he noticed throughout the meeting that everyone was uneasy. He hoped the promise of more money would help smooth things over a little.

It also wouldn't be a problem because they were actually making a significant amount of money from selling the logs. Plus costs had been kept low because of the trading they did for supplies using dried meat. The cost of the construction, although still high, was much more reasonable than they thought.

Keyne smiled back. "As Sora said we intend to reward everyone who has helped us with the construction."

"Thank you for the help and time. If there are any questions you can direct them to me in the morning. Have a good night." Arthek said. It was getting late and they needed to end the meeting.

Everyone seemed pleased with the idea and happily left the tent to go to their own beds. The only ones remaining were Arthek and Captain Kaver.

"Things might get a bit hectic again in the morning." Arthek said.

"Not just the morning. Probably the next few days." Captain Kaver corrected.

"It should be fine if we stay on top of it. I also plan on coming here everyday until things settle down." Keyne said.

"I'll have my wife and daughter move to Kapelin's tent and you and Sora can stay there." Captain Kaver offered.

"Not necessary. Keyne has brought our tent." Sora said. He didn't want to put them out because they would be spending the night.

Kaver looked at Keyne.

"Sora and I will be fine using the tent for tonight. Arthek could you show us a place to set up?" Keyne said.

"Of course. There is a place not far from my tent you can use." Arthek said.

"Captain is Kapelin still awake? I was hoping to talk with him a little." Sora asked.

"He goes to sleep pretty early. They have a lot to do in the morning. I'll tell him you're looking for him when I can." Captain Kaver said.
"We'll talk more in the morning." Keyne said cutting the conversation short.

He took Sora's hand and quickly led him away before something else came up. It was late and he could tell Sora hadn't slept well. He wanted to hurry things along and get Sora to bed.


Sora settled in close to Keyne. He was tired but he also had a lot on his mind.

"Sora, relax. We need to get some sleep. It's going to be a busy morning." Keyne said.

"I know, just... can we work on the schedule first?" Sora asked.

Remembering their talk earlier at the little cabin Keyne couldn't say no. He pulled out the notebook and they started discussing a routine for Sora.

"Do you need to have every minute planned or is it enough to only plan a few things and leave most of the day open?" Keyne asked.

"The more predictable and regular my day the better. But I also can't fill every second of the day either. Otherwise a break in my routine will cause me stress." Sora explained.

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