Chapter 37: Two Bedroom House

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Walking through the market Sora soon found a seasoning shop. It could be described as pitiful when compared to the ones in Mare Town and Haider's shop in the Capital. Even so he was glad to see a few of his favourite herbs and spices.

Gathering several different ones he then headed towards the shops selling fresh vegetables and fruit. Witnessing the sad and pitiful state of the market Sora sighed. He hoped like Mare Town and the Capital, Lacus Town would have a good selection of vegetables and fruit.

"Lacus Town relies on the plains for their farm crops. With the plains suffering they have less produce available. They most likely rely more on fish than anything else." Keyne reckoned after seeing the state of the market.

"Will it be hard finding seeds, fertilizer, and other farming supplies here?" Sora asked feeling worried.

"It might be, but you can send in requests to the merchants guild." Keyne said.

"I see. For now let's buy lots of potatoes." Sora decided.

Keyne pulled out a paper and wrote potatoes on it. Curious Sora asked, "What's that for?"

"It will be too much to carry back ourselves. I'll make a list and we can send some men to buy them later. While they are at it they can buy any other supplies they might need for the trip back." Keyne explained.

"I see. How long are they going to stay?"

"A few days."

In that case add a lot of fish to the list. We can use the smoker at the house to smoke some fish and any other meat so it lasts longer. We also have a lot of Blue Taran meat left. We'll need to use it quick before it goes bad."

"I think the Captain was planning on selling most of it and replacing it with something fresher for the ride back."

"I didn't even consider that. It's definitely the better option." Sora remarked sincerely impressed with the plan.

Because they would send the guards out to buy ingredients from the market Sora didn't bother going himself. He took a quick look and bought a few items for lunch before returning to the house.


Returning to the house they saw the captain and the others busy unloading the carriages. Sora quickly headed over to help unload and organize some things while Keyne looked for the captain.

"Sir Keyne." The Captain said the moment he saw him.

"Did everything go well when crossing the gate?" Keyne asked.

"No problems. How did things go for you at the adventurers guild? Did you hire any guys to help survey the land?"

"We handed in a request but no answer yet. Sora plans on making everyone dinner and some rations for the road. Do you mind sending a few guys to do the shopping?" Keyne asked as he handed the list to the captain.

"Not a problem. I'll send Ragnar and Jasper. Those two have been hanging around Sir Sora so much they've developed a keen eye for food recently. Hahaha. When we get back I'm thinking of having them join the barrack cooking team to teach the others." The Captain sounded like he was joking, but was actually serious. Although their chefs weren't bad having a new variety of food to eat was always welcome in the kitchen. Especially when it was delicious.

After a quick chat about their plans Keyne walked over to the carriages and began helping to unload the stuff. Although the caravan consisted of 11 carriages, one was for Keyne and Sora to sleep in and a few more were for supplies and the guards equipment. This meant only 5 of the carriages actually carrying Sora's stuff making unloading them quick and easy.

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