Chapter 38: Unexpected Result

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"Love?" Sora repeated completely dumbstruck. His mind was moving at a snail's pace as he tried to process Keyne's sudden confession.

Keyne who had been watching Sora closely didn't know whether to rejoice or cry. "It's good he didn't immediately reject me but is the thought of me as a lover so unbelievable?" Keyne questioned.

The longer Sora was in a daze the worst Keyne felt. He never expected his confession to go over well. He thought he could handle it if Sora rejected him with perseverance and determination. However being faced with Sora's confused expression. Keyne started to regret his decision.

"When... when you say love. What do you mean?" Sora asked after a few minutes passed in silence.

For Keyne those were the longest few minutes of his life. Even so, he was happy Sora hadn't rejected him yet. However Keyne was still afraid. Taking his time he carefully thought of his next words. He wanted to be clear and concise. He didn't want to drag on this torturous moment with vague words.

"I love you. I want to spend my life together with you. To talk with you. To hold you. To kiss you." Keyne said his words slow and clear as he looked Sora straight in the eyes.

Not even the confused Sora could mistake his words for something different.

Keyne could see the wheels turning in Sora's mind as he processed his words. Dreading another long silence Keyne found it hard to breath.

"How? We've only known each other for less than a month. You knew me for less than a week when you quit your job. How can you be so sure you love me?" Sora finally asked. More than the fact Keyne loved him he was confused with the timeline.

"It's hard to describe, but essentially it was love at first sight. When I saw you the very first time a voice inside me said 'He's the one'. I knew right away that you were the person I am destined to spend my life with."

"You must have worked hard to become a commander. To build a life in the Capital..." Sora began muttering.

"Do you think I'm crazy for giving it all up for love?" Keyne asked realizing Sora was more worried about what he gave up more than the fact he was in love with him.


Sora didn't say anything but the look on his face spoke volumes.

Keyne sighed. "I also think it's crazy, and if one of my knights came to me and decided to retire in pursuit of a one-sided love. Especially something as unbelievable as 'love at first sight'. I would have smacked him in the back of his head and called him an idiot."

"Then why did you?"

"Because no matter how much I try to tell myself it's ridiculous, I can't deny my feelings." Keyne said as he pressed his hand over his chest.

"I don't really understand. What is it about me that attracted you? I'm a man who's not even that attractive. I'm just average. What is it about me that caught your attention?" Sora asked.

He didn't have anything against two men falling in love. But he never considered himself gay. Rather he never really considered himself anything.

"Is it strange for a man to love another man?" Keyne asked noticing Sora's sudden fixation with the fact they were both male.

"No, not strange just uncommon, maybe? In my world although there were men who loved other men and women who loved other women they weren't exactly the norm. They often had to face prejudice and discrimination. Is it not like that in this world?" Sora asked his thoughts slowly drifting away from the fact Keyne had confessed to him.

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