Chapter 114: Passive

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Sora glared at Keyne who had disturb his sleep.

"I should have told Keyne to let me wake up naturally instead of on a strict schedule." He thought with regret.

He had never been good at waking up early. In the past he needed two alarms to wake up. One by the bed and the other on the bookcase in his room. He could snooze the one by his bed but would have no choice but to get up and turn the other one off. Now, he had Keyne as his alarm clock. An alarm that was persistent and naughty.

In response to his glare Keyne pulled him over his lap and began massaging his waist.

"How do you feel, sweetheart." Keyne lovingly asked.

Sora could no longer hold a grudge against Keyne who was being sweet and patient with him. He slumped down in Keyne's arms and enjoyed the massage.


As he massaged Sora, Keyne talked about their plans for the day. "After breakfast I'll keep working on that lime tree and you can mature the plants we didn't get to do yesterday. Do you want to come with me to the construction site today?"

Sora gave it some thought. He preferred staying together with Keyne and lazing around after they were intimate. However, he needed to stick to a schedule and being lazy the day after starting his new routine wasn't exactly ideal. He also considered Keyne's suggestion to go with him.

"Spending the day together sounds nice but I'll need to ride Gallos..." Sora shifted uncomfortably at the thought of riding Gallos given his current situation.

"Can you stay here?" Sora suggested instead.

"Do you want me to stay?"

"You don't have to. You're busy and those guys might come back again. I'll be fine here alone." Sora said. He wanted to spend time cuddling and sticking close but he was too embarrassed to say it directly.

Keyne stopped massaging Sora's sore waist and looked him in the eye. "I don't have to, but I want to. I love spending time with you." He said.

Sora couldn't help but smile. Keyne leaned over and kissed his softly.


Things moved at a slower pace, but Keyne was determined to keep to their schedule. First off was breakfast. Sora was feeling lazy but he still got up to cook some eggs for Keyne. He made omelettes with fresh vegetables, and some cheese together with his new spicy jam and toast. Keyne ate three on his own while Sora nibbled on half of one.

Keyne was a little worried and checked his temperature but it seemed okay.

"I'm fine. I just don't have much of an appetite this early in the morning." Sora said in an attempt to put Keyne's mind at ease.

Keyne believed him but was still a little concerned. He carried Sora outside along with some pillows and a blanket. He then set Sora up near where they planted everything the day the lime trees. With Sora comfortably seated he grabbed the ladder and headed up the tree.

"Sweetheart, is it important that every flower is pollinated?" Keyne asked after looking up at all the blossoms in the tree. He could roughly remember where he had stopped the night before but he couldn't say for certain.

"I think you've done enough. Do you want to just mature it now and see how many we have? If it's not enough we have a second tree we can use." Sora said. He didn't want to torture Keyne with the tree any longer. It was a lot of work.

Keyne didn't argue. He jumped down from the tree and headed towards Sora. Taking his hand he gave him a light kiss. "Thank you for relieving me of my task."

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