Chapter 55: Perfect Location

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The sun was laying low in the sky. With time running out before nightfall they needed to choose an appropriate site to camp.

"There was that place 10 minutes back." Blaine suggested to Keyne.

As Blaine and Keyne discussed the best place to camp Rogue kept moving forward.

"Woah!" Rogue exclaimed loudly from a few dozen meters away. He had wondered quite far from the group while everyone was busy discussing the next campsite.

The sound of his loud voice naturally caught everyone's attention. Curious they headed over to where Rogue was. Sora also trailed along behind Keyne.

"Beautiful!" Sora exclaimed.

The dense forest suddenly opened up to a large open field. Much larger then the last one. But what made it truly beautiful were the rainbow coloured flowers off to the right and the monster that stood majestically amongst them.

"Keyne what is that?" Sora whispered. His eyes glued to the white monster. It resembled an elk but it was pure white. Even the horns at the top of its head. The brilliant white gave the monster a shine.

"Those are called White Elk. They are a rare find in this world. Usually only seen in the deep forests of the North." Keyne explained. It was also the first time he had seen this particular monster.

Rogue grinned. "I bet they are valuable." He said.

"What?! He isn't planning on hunting it is he?" Sora silently panicked at his words. He didn't want to see such a beautiful creature killed. Not when it hadn't done anything to hurt them.


Suddenly the quiet Alma smacked the back of Rogue's head with her long bow.

"Idiot. White elk are a protected species." She said. This was the the second time Sora heard her hauntingly beautiful voice. Attracted by her voice Sora looked over at Alma.

"Wah?! Keyne what are you doing?" Sora asked. Keyne had grabbed his waist and pulled him close without warning.

Keyne didn't say a word only stared at Sora for a few seconds.

"Killing or harming a White Elk is a criminal offence. Anyone caught will be fined a large sum and face prison." Keyne added.

"Keyne, will us making this place our home affect the White Elk? Can we be charged for harming its environment?" Sora wondered.

Back on Earth the habitat of endangered animals were often made into nature reserves or national parks to help protect the animals. Sora wondered if this world had the same policies.

"It's not a problem. The White Elk are migrating monsters. It will only be here temporarily. It will most likely leave again in a day or two." Keyne assured him.

"This grassland should be close to the shoreline. It's large and spacious. I can't help but think it would be perfect to make a field in. But if the White Elk likes it here maybe it's better not to do anything to it?" Sora wondered.

As he looked at the large grassy field. He could already picture what it would look like in his mind.

"This size is easily large enough for even a commercial field. I wouldn't need to turn it all into a field. If I wanted I could probably section off a quarter of it for the farm and practice crop rotation on the Eastern half. This area is beautiful with its flowers so changing that seems like a waste and the White Elk also likes it. I could make a natural border with fruit trees between the crops and the flower field or maybe plant them sporadically to add shade and interest?" Sora's imagination went wild with inspiration. He immediately took out his notebook and began sketching and taking notes.

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