Chapter 136: Shop

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"Keyne, how did she know we were here?" Sora asked.

"I don't know. Do you want to change inns?" Keyne asked as he herded Sora over to the bed.

"Will changing inns even matter? Unless we know how she found us in the first place what's stopping her from showing up again?" Sora grumbled.

"I'll find out what happened. Don't worry and get some sleep. I'll go help Prince Jodi deal with her." Keyne tried to tuck Sora into bed.

"No, if you're meeting with her I want to be there." Sora said.

"Sweetheart, your fever is getting worse. I can deal with her."

"Clearly." Sora scoffed.

"Sora, are you upset with me?"

"She tried to get me arrested. I don't trust her. Not for a second." Sora said deeply upset.

"Sora, don't worry about her. She's normally not like this. She's confused and clearly me leaving the Capital and getting married hurt her. I'll talk to her and make sure she stays away from you.

"Are you defending her?" Sora angrily questioned.

"I'm not defending her." Keyne claimed.

Sora felt irritated. He stood up and headed for the door. He was determined to say more than a few choice words to Genevieve.

"Sweetheart, you need to get some rest."

Sora ignored Keyne who was following behind and opened the door.

"Woah?! Wasn't expecting the door to suddenly swing open. Sora is something wrong?" Prince Jodi asked with his hand in position to knock. Sora ignored the Prince and looked around to find Genevieve but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Prince Jodi, where did Genevieve go?" Keyne asked.

"I convinced her to leave for today. In exchange you'll have dinner with her tomorrow to talk." Prince Jodi explained.

"He won't. Keyne you need to stay away from her." Sora said.

"Sora, that's not possible. I think I can convince her to say the truth if I talk to her. If it works all of this will disappear."

"I doubt it. She's crazy. You need to stay away from her." Sora was more upset than he thought he would be after meeting her. He couldn't explain it but he felt a rage boiling inside him.

"Are you jealous?" The prince asked.

"Shut up. Why are you even here?" Sora snapped. With the fever, the headache, and what was happening with Genevieve Sora didn't feel like talking with the Prince or anyone at this point. The Prince looked at Keyne for some help.

"Sora, come inside. I brought you some medicine for your fever. You'll feel better after getting some rest." Keyne said.

"I'll feel better when this idiocy is all over and we can go home." Sora said. Despite his annoyance he went back inside and headed for the bed.

"Give me an hour. Once he's asleep I'll head downstairs and we can discuss what happened here today as well as what our next steps should be." Keyne quietly told the prince before closing the door.


Sora woke up the next day feeling a lot better. His fever was gone and so was his headache.  Looking around the room for Keyne. He found him sitting at the small table going through his notebook.

"Keyne, why didn't you wake me?" Sora asked. They had plans to leave early to set up the shop. But looking out the window at the sun it was clear he had slept late.

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