Chapter 5: Dinner

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While relaxing in the bath, Sora could not help but feel his eyes grow heavy. The fatigue and tension had long drained him of any energy. Along with the heal spell the Archmage had cast on him he felt exhausted. The warm bath and the quiet room quickly pulled Sora into a deep sleep.


The next moment Sora found himself in a familiar place. A cold and dark abyss. He'd had this dream many times before. In the beginning he would run and scream frantically trying to escape the darkness, but eventually the running became walking, then the walking changed to sitting.

Now, he lay down on the cold hard ground looking up into the never ending darkness. No longer trying to escape but finding peace within it.

"If I'm here does that mean 'that' wasn't a dream? Have I really been summoned into a new world like those novels my colleagues often talked about while at work?" He mused.

As he lay on the ground, for the first time in over 15 years something changed. Sora looked forward in awe. The never ending darkness seemed to ripple, like the surface of a lake when a light breeze passes over it.

Sora was initially excited by the change, but soon became fearful. "Why has it changed now?" He thought.

Soon his thoughts grew anxious as the rippling increased. A fear he hadn't felt in a long time bubbling back up to the surface.

Suddenly a burst of beautiful silver filled the area around him. It was a soft gentle light. At first, Sora thought of the moonlight reflecting on a lake at night, but then he thought of the Knight Keyne. The beautiful silver light was similar to how his magic appeared. Swirling and flowing through the air; the silver light held a gentle warmth.

Sora held out his hand hoping to grasp the light.


The sound of glass shattering and crashing down around him could be heard. Sora knelt down, his hands held above his head in a protective manner.

In fear, he waited, waited for the pain of glass cutting into his body. But then just as sudden as the noise appeared, so did the silence. Sora found himself once again trapped in the endless black abyss he had dreamt of everyday for the past fifteen years.


Keyne grew worried. It had been over an hour since Sora entered the bath. At first Keyne thought that maybe baths were typically long in Sora's world, longer than the 20-30 minutes they spent.

Not intending to disturb Sora's bath Keyne pressed his ear to the door. "Why can't I hear anything?" He wondered.

He cast a spell of empowerment to strengthen his hearing. But still heard nothing.

Knock... knock*

"Sora is everything alright? You've been in there for a long time? Dinner has arrived come out quick before it gets cold. Sora?" He called out no longer concerned about disturbing Sora's bath.


Not receiving a response or even the sound of the water splashing from his movements Keyne made a decision. He grabbed the door handle and quietly opened the door. Peeking through the small gap of the door, he could see Sora laying in the tub peacefully.

"Is he asleep?" Keyne wondered as he opened the door further.He looked closer and as he suspected Sora had fallen asleep.

"Should I wake him? It can't be good to sleep in the bath. The water must also be getting cold. But how should I explain coming in the bathroom without his permission? No, it couldn't be helped. He would not answer and as a knight tasked with his protection I had to investigate. Yes, I am simply doing my duty as a knight." Keyne had somehow convinced himself that what he was doing was okay.

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