Chapter 30: Magic Practice

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After lunch Sora mounted Gallos together with Keyne. Confident and comfortable they rode out in front of the caravan.

"Sora when conjuring the wind elemental you need to imagine the fluidity. Wind is light, fast, and it's more of a push. I'm going to have Gallos move ahead a bit fast. As we move hold your arms out and feel the wind." Keyne patiently taught Sora.

As discussed Gallos changed from a light trot to a canter. When Sora first ride Gallos he was nervous even when moving at a light trot. But now after days of practice he could even let go with confidence while in a canter.

Keyne wrapped his arm around Sora's waist to support him as they moved faster. Feeling safe Sora raised both arms and closed his eyes. He was focusing on the feeling of the wind as it blew past.

After a few minutes Keyne slowed Gallos down to a walk. Opening his eyes Sora turned to Keyne for his next instruction.

"Now, raise your arm. Move the magic and when you release it imagine the wind twisting around your arms."

Sora listened and soon a light wind began rustling his sleeves. "Perfect. Now you need to use the spiritual magic and push the wind forward. Push it all the way to that tree ahead of us." Keyne instructed. His voice was soft and soothing as he patiently helped Sora.

Sora focused on the the task and soon a light green breeze moved forward and rustled the branches on a tree ahead of them.

"Perfect. Now add some more magic and imagine the wind thin and sharp. As you push it forward aim to cut."

"Cut? Isn't that dangerous?" Sora asked as he turned to look at Keyne.

"Wind magic has two main uses. The first is a gentle breeze for simple tasks like drying things or clearing away smoke. The other is for cutting. Wind is perfect for cutting down obstacles like tree branches or weeds. When farming wheat you can cut the stalks. And if faced with a monster you can attack them from a safe distance away." Keyne explained.

"Monsters huh? I can't say I want to fight or hunt them." Sora admitted. He knew it was important. Facing the thunderbird was proof of how dangerous this world could be. Even so, Sora was still feeling uneasy about the idea of fighting a monster.

"I understand if your feeling apprehensive about fighting, but it's important you have a way to protect yourself." Keyne explained. Although he had every intention to stay by Sora's side protecting him for life, just one moment of carelessness could cost someone their life in this world. Keyne was determined to do everything he could to unsure Sora could live a long life together with him.

"I'll try." Sora said. Despite his lack of enthusiasm, Sora closed his eyes and focused. He imagined the wind thinning into a string like a whip. The distinct swish whistling sound of a whip as it moves through the air could be heard the moment the wind flew forward towards the tree branch just ahead of them.


Despite his reluctance, Sora sliced cleanly through the tree branch with pinpoint accuracy. "That was perfect." Keyne praised. He was really impressed with how deadly accurate his wind attack was.

"Hmm." Sora however wasn't as happy. The sound he imagined was a perfect match to the one in his memory. A memory he wished he could forget.

Keyne wrapped his arms around Sora's waist and pulled him close. Realizing Something was wrong Keyne regretted asking Sora to cast the wind spell. "Let's take a break." Keyne whispered as he hugged Sora close. He then nudged Gallos with his heel and they quickly ran ahead.

Sora grabbed Keyne tight at the sudden movement. His mind no longer filled with memories of the past but focused on the present. Riding fast they soon lost sight of the caravan. Despite how far they were Keyne didn't stop. He didn't stop until they broke away from the forest.

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