Chapter 40: Nurse Keyne

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Taking Sora home Keyne had a choice to make. While they were out Sora had sweat through his clothes. The doctor had warned him it would be best to make sure Sora was dry and warm.

Placing Sora back on the bed at the house Keyne now stood over him with a bucket of warm water and clean cloth. "I should wake him up first. We're finally dating but if he wakes up while I'm wiping him down or changing his clothes he'll probably hate me for it." Keyne thought as he continued to hesitate.

Eventually he settled his nerves and called out to Sora. "Sweetheart, Sora, my love. I know you're uncomfortable and tired but I need you to wake up. You can't stay in your sweaty clothes. Sora?" Keyne called out.

Sora lightly frowned as he tried to dig himself under the covers. Keyne wanted to laugh at how cute Sora was acting. But he couldn't. He had a mission and he was determined to do it.

"Sora sweetheart, if you don't wake up I'll have no choice but to strip you myself. Wake up." Keyne said he voice louder then the last time.

"It's hot." Sora groaned his eyes still closed.

"You'll feel better after wiping away the sweat and changing into some fresh clothes." Keyne said in a calm tone. He was glad Sora had finally woken up enough to answer him.

"Hmm." Sora hummed as he slowly tried to move. His body heavy. "It's hot. It's heavy." It's uncomfortable." Sora thought as he tried to get up. His mind fuzzy due to the high fever.

"Sweetheart, I'm going to help you." Keyne called out as he pulled Sora into his arms.

"Sweetheart? What's that?" Sora mumbled. His voice so low not even Keyne could understand him.

"Did you say something?" Keyne asked curiously.

"Keyne. What... cough* cough*!" Sora wanted to ask why he said the name sweetheart just now, but before he could he started coughing.

Keyne held him close and rubbed his back in hopes to soothe his coughing. When it finally stopped Sora felt completely drained.

"Sweetheart. Here drink some water." Keyne said as he passed him a cool glass of water. Without his glasses Keyne was having a difficult time seeing. Reaching out he missed the glass completely. Keyne quickly noticed and held the glass of water for him.


Drinking the water Sora felt revived. The cool refreshing water moistened his dry uncomfortable throat. As he drank some water slowly trickled down his chin.

Keyne who had been watching felt a heat rising inside at the sight. Quickly turning his head to look away he refocused his attention.

"Sweetheart. You need to wash up and change." He said.

Having had his fill of water Sora pushed the glass away before trying to speak again. "Am I sick?" He asked despite knowing the answer.

"I brought you to the doctor earlier. He said it's just a cold." Keyne explained.

"A cold?" Sora repeated in disbelief. He wasn't oblivious to how a cold felt. In fact he often got sick and always had medicine on hand at home. Even though he didn't have the strongest immune system he never felt so terrible from something as simple as a cold.

"The doctor says your immune system was weakened from traveling and possibly stress. Your symptoms are worse than what's expected but it will be okay. You'll be fine after taking your medicine and resting for a few days." Keyne explained. As he stood up to grab a change of clothes for Sora.

Sora was glad he wasn't infected with something more serious. Although he still felt horrible enough.

"Sweetheart, you're soaked in sweat. You need to wash up and change into a new set of clean clothes." Keyne said his ears slightly turning red.

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