Chapter 39: A Rocky Start

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Keyne roamed the house quietly in the early morning. As he passed Sora's room he slowed and strained his ears to listen. He had done this numerous times since sunrise. The reason was simple. He couldn't sleep even if he wanted to.

In the beginning Keyne couldn't sleep because he had told Sora how he felt. The confession originally didn't go well. Sora had more questions for Keyne about his feelings then revelations about his own. Laying in bed Keyne worried Sora was going to reject him.

Later in the night Sora surprisingly agreed to start dating. Shocked and excited Keyne mind raced. Adding up to a sleepless night.

While Sora slept Keyne had been thinking of all the things they could do. "We should go out on a date. Somewhere with a nice restaurant maybe we can ride Gallos somewhere with a good view. Sora likes swimming. Should we find somewhere to swim? Is there any kind of entertainment? What do most people do on dates?" He had never been on a date before so his ideas were a little all over the place.

Even so, he was happy just imagining all the things they could do together. Including a few that shouldn't be discussed under the light of day.


As he roamed through the house once more he heard a knock at the door.

"Sir Keyne, we're here for the smoked meats." Jasper said when Keyne finally opened the door.

"Everything is ready. You can go and take it yourselves." Keyne said as he pointed to the smoker.

Ragnar couldn't help but notice Keyne's dark eyes. "Did you not sleep well?" He asked curiously.

"It was a late night." Keyne admitted.

Despite his lack of sleep and the dark circles under his eyes he had a glow about him. Jasper and Ragnar had noticed Keyne's strangely happy mood. Their imagination running wild.

"Is Sir Sora still asleep?" Jasper asked. He had wanted to ask Sora if he had any other ideas they could use in regards to their meals as they travelled.

"He's sleeping and he won't be waking up anytime soon. We had a rather eventful night." Keyne said with a smile. He knew Sora would sleep late considering how tired he looked last night.

Jasper and Ragnar looked at Keyne in surprise. But they kept their thoughts to themselves and quickly left for the smoker.

"Do you think they did that?" Jasper whispered.

"Maybe, I mean they finally got to spend the night together without anyone around. I wouldn't be surprised if they did." Ragnar answered back.

"Damn that was quick. I know they haven't had much privacy but Sir Sora must have been exhausted after travelling for so long. Sir Keyne should have held back. What if Sir Sora gets sick." Jasper said as he shook his head.

"With how intimate those two are, I'm surprised they didn't do it while on the road." Ragnar said.

"I get what you mean. Most of the guys sleeping not far from the carriage we're worried they'd be woken up by 'those' sounds in the middle of the night. But they said they never heard anything." Jasper remarked.

It was apparently long decided that Keyne and Sora were in a serious relationship. Sora may not have noticed but the small intimate acts between him and Keyne hadn't escaped the eyes of the guards. To them Sora and Keyne had been dating since before they left the Capital.

If Sora was awake to hear their remarks he would have turned as red as a tomato from shame.

Not wanting to stick around to find out how 'tired' Sora was after a night of fun Jasper and Ragnar quickly grabbed the meat and ran.

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