Chapter 11: Keyne

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As promised they soon arrived at the bladesmith. The place looked a little dingy from the outside as though it didn't receive many customers. Even so, once they entered Sora could see the quality items on display and quickly felt at ease with Keyne's choice. The shop not only had a variety of knives, but also swords, axes, spears, and several other types of sharp tools and weapons.

"Keyne is that you? Did you come by to get your sword sharpened?" An old man said from behind the counter. He had a long scruffy deep red beard and shaved head. His face showed several scars and had a thick leathery look as though it had seen many harsh days.

"Not today. I'm here with this man. His name is Sora and he's looking for kitchen and farming tools. I'd also like to get him a beginner weapon." Keyne said as though he knew the man well.

"Oh, a newbie huh? Well the name's Boris. I'm just an old bladesmith whose been working here in the Capital since long ago. Making weapons is what I do best, but I also dabble in everyday items like kitchen knives and hunting gear as well to pay tha bills. If ya see anything ya like just give me a holler." The old man said. His large smile a big contrast to his rough appearance.

After the warm welcome, Keyne took Sora around the shop pointing out different knives, daggers, and even a few sickles for farming. They all looked well made and sharp to Sora so he naturally wanted everything from a butcher's cleaver to a fillet knife for fish.

"These are short swords." Keyne pointed out for Sora after they had chosen several kitchen knives. Sora glanced at them quickly but showed no real interests. His body moving closer to the household knives and farming tools once more.

Keyne grabbed his shoulder and stopped him from walking away. "I'd like you to start wearing one around your waist starting today." Keyne added.

"I don't know how to use a sword and I don't want to learn." Sora said stubbornly.

"You don't have to use it. But just having one at your waist deters others from thinking you're weak. It's more about appearance than ability." Keyne explained.

Sora could understand what Keyne was trying to say, but he still didn't feel right wearing a weapon he would never use. "I get that, but if they aren't scared away by the sword won't they become more aggressive thinking I am stronger than I am?" Sora rebuked.

Keyne couldn't deny his words, but weapon or not, if those types of criminals attacked him it wouldn't matter.

"Ya ain't wrong, but boy I suggest you listen to Keyne. Let's say ya meet 10 criminals, 9 are likely to leave ya alone if they see a sword.  It ain't fool proof but it will save ya a bunch in tha long run." Boris said from the counter.

Sora still hesitated. "I can't help but feel like I'll be the one getting hurt carrying this sword around." He sighed.

"Haha! Just get Keyne to teach ya. He's been using tha sword since he was a little young'in. I remember tha first time he showed up at my shop begging me to show him how to use a beat up ol'sword he found in tha forest. Now look at him, he's commander of the palace knights!" Boris bragged happily as he reminisced.

Sora was a little surprised by Boris' words but still didn't feel comfortable with the idea of using a weapon to hurt others. Even if it was in self defence.

Not getting the response he wanted Keyne decided to approach the matter from another angle. "It can also be used in more practical ways. For example while traveling through the forest or tall grass you can cut down anything in your way. It's also useful against monsters. This world is full of dangerous monsters, although we patrol the roads frequently you will be living in an unpopulated area. It's best to have protection."

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