Chapter 27: Mare Town

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With Sora more interested in preparing for dinner he decided to stay in the carriage. Using the icebox Keyne had replenished with ice and the ample ingredients prepared by the guards Sora went to work.

"Keyne seems to enjoy the spicier options so I'll make some extra spicy, but only enough for the two of us. If I use my spices for everyone I'll run out before before I have a chance to buy more. Actually I wonder if I can ask Haider to send some for me? It might not be quick but it's a possibility." Sora thought as he mixed some spices to make a type of jerk chicken.

Sora enjoyed eating Japanese food but he once bought a cookbook featuring world cuisine because the cover photo of a roasted chicken looked delicious. Not wanting to be wasteful he tried most of the recipes in it. One of these recipe was for jerk chicken. It was spicy and aromatic and quickly became one of his favourite marinades for BBQ.

He also prepared a sweeter marinade similar to honey garlic but substituting the honey for sugar. For the guards he made a citrus marinade using an herb similar to lemongrass, and a salt based marinade. The later two types were double the recipes because they were made from the more abundant guard supplies, while the former were were only enough for him and Keyne.

"Sora?" Keyne called out from outside the window.

Hearing his voice Sora leaned over and opened the shutter. "Is something wrong?" Sora asked. It didn't sound urgent but he couldn't think of any other reason Keyne might call out to him.

"Nothings wrong. I just wanted to check if you're doing okay. Do you need help? If you do I could tie Gallos to the carriage and join you inside." Keyne suggested.

"No, I've finished preparing the meat now I will start preparing the vegetables now." Sora said.

"The vegetables? Don't they just need to be washed and cooked?"

"I'll cut them, skewer them and add a light seasoning. Once they finish cooking I'll add a sauce."

Keyne frowned the moment he heard Sora say he planned to cut vegetables. Struggling to find a way to tell Sora he shouldn't use a knife while in the moving carriage.

His face went from a frown, to a look of panic, to a face of inspiration, to fear, finally with a serious face he warned him. "Sora I don't think you should use a knife while in the carriage. The ride isn't smooth enough you could get hurt." Keyne cautiously said hoping Sora wouldn't be upset by his warning.

"Cut them? Chuckle* I didn't even bring any vegetables into the carriage. I'm just going to mix the sauce and spices." Sora said amused by the look on Keyne's face.

Keyne didn't know what to think about Sora laughing at him. Despite the confusing response he was glad Sora never intended to use a knife while the carriage was in motion.

"Keyne is it possible to get enough fish for everyone? I was hoping to deep-fry some for lunch or dinner."

"We don't have any fish because they spoil quickly, but we can pick some up at the next town in a couple days." Keyne said.

"If it's not too much trouble." Sora said with a soft smile.

Keyne smiled back. He was happy Sora wasn't feeling down after they were attacked earlier in the day. Rather it seemed Sora was feeling more relaxed and comfortable than he had been since he was summoned.


Evening came and Sora quickly took out the marinating meat and sauces he prepared. Keyne only needed to tell the guards Sora was planning to cook and they immediately prepared everything he would need.

"I wonder if he's cooking something using the oil again?"

"I heard he was trying something different?"

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