Chapter 80: Married Life

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"Keyne, I'm thirsty." Sora mumbled from the sofa.

Keyne appeared as swift as a cat with a cool glass of ice water. "Here you are my dear husband." Keyne lovingly said his tone so sweet they could give someone a toothache.

"Thanks." Sora shyly said as he sipped the cold water. "It feels nice." Sora thought as the cold water soothed his dry throat.

"Are you sure you wouldn't be more comfortable in bed?" Keyne asked. His hands meticulously adjusting the blanket to cover Sora's exposed feet.

Sora had woken up with a light fever. But he refused to stay in the bedroom. He would have preferred to be outside where he could see something, but Keyne refused. Just staying in the living room took a great deal of effort to negotiate.

"Staying in bed all day is boring. Besides I think my fever has gone down." Sora said. But Keyne was far from convinced.

"I should have been more careful. You seemed fine but doing it again so soon after the last time was thoughtless of me. I should have known better." Keyne admitted. He then quietly leaned Sora into his arms as he sat next to him.

"I admit doing it so soon after the last time probably caused my fever, but it's not as bad as it seems. I have a fever but my body isn't as sore. As long as we pace ourselves I don't think I'll continue being bedridden after each time." Sora said optimistically. He then moved to show that his body was actually fine.

"Hmm. I look forward to when making love doesn't harm you. My delicate husband." Keyne said as he repositioned Sora on the sofa and tucked him in tight.

Sora didn't complain about the overzealous care. Basking in the sweet warmth Sora snuggled up close. He felt better than the other times, but was still tired. The fever had added to his exhaustion.

Keyne had plans to go to the Craftsmen Guild but holding Sora in his arms he decided it could wait. There was no real rush after all. If the guild or the Captain of the boat needed them they knew where Sora and him were staying and could come to see them at any time.

Keyne embraced Sora tight making sure he was warm and comfortable. They did nothing special the rest of the day. They only cuddled on the sofa silently enjoying the warm presence of the person they love next to them.


The next day Sora was feeling well enough for Keyne to lower his vigilance.

"Keyne, I'm going for a quick swim. Can you give Sumi a call?"

"No." Keyne said while blocking the doorway.

Sora narrowed his eyes and stared back at the imposing man standing in his way.

"What do you mean by 'no'?" Sora asked back.

"There's a cold wind today. You're still recovering from a fever, it's to risky." Keyne reasoned. However Sora was less than convinced.

"My fever wasn't from a cold but over exhaustion the wind won't matter. Now move out of the way." Sora responded his arms crossed.

"Sora, I'm just being cautious. You're fever was caused by over exhaustion but it most likely would have affected your immune system. You said it yourself you get sick easily."

"I refuse to believe a little wind and a less than ideal constitution will stop me from swimming." Sora said. He was finally able to swim again now that they had Sumi and he refused to miss a day without a good reason.

"Sweetheart, it isn't just a little wind." Keyne said. But Sora wasn't listening and wearing nothing but his swim trunks pushed past Keyne.


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