Chapter 144: Another Problem

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After spending an hour swimming in the lake Keyne and Sora finally returned to the inn.

"Tch! What's she doing here?" Sora cursed.

"Keyne! Where have you been?" Genevieve called out.

"That's none of your business. Why are you here again? I told you I didn't want to speak with you." Keyne said.

"Keyne I think you should hear what she has to say." Prince Jodi interjected.

"Why?" Keyne asked.

"Can we go somewhere private to talk?" She asked. Keyne narrowed his eyes and grabbed Sora's hand.

"He can come too." Genevieve added in response.

"Let's go to the room." Sora suggested.

The four of them went up to the room to talk. Keyne sat down next to Sora on the bed while the prince and Genevieve sat at the little table.

"What did you want to talk about?" Keyne asked.

"When I first found out I got pregnant I was approached by a nobleman who gave me the idea to lie about you being the father."

"Prince Jodi did you get the name and send your men to investigate?" Keyne asked.

"I have. But you should keep listening." Prince Jodi said while pointing at Genevieve. She looked hurt that Keyne didn't seem to care about what she had to say. Even so, she continued to speak.

"After what happened today with the judge I was approached again. This time they threatened me." Genevieve said. Keyne finally seemed interested in listening to Genevieve talk.

"They heard about what happened at the inn yesterday and told me to use it to have Sora arrested." Genevieve confessed.

Keyne looked at the prince. "Did you not handle it yesterday?" Keyne asked the prince.

"I did. Unfortunately the nobles have found it should I saw bribed witnesses." The prince said with disdain.

"They want me to claim that Sora attacked me and threatened to have me killed if I didn't rescind my claim that Keyne is the father of my child." Genevieve added.

"He did no such thing." Keyne said.

"I know but they've gathered witnesses from the inn and the restaurant today to prove Sora's antagonistic attitude towards Genevieve." The prince revealed.

"I won't do as they say, but they can use the witnesses and my unwillingness to talk as proof that I'm being threatened by him." Genevieve said.

"This isn't good. If Sora is arrested the nobles will have cause to insist Sora remains in the Capital." Keyne said.

"Wait! why?" Sora asked confused.

"Did you forget? Along with your title as Honorary Guest of the King you are still subject to the Kingdom's laws. If you break them you will be judged and punished accordingly." Keyne said.

"Isn't it the King who decides my punishment? He won't force me to stay here in the Capital will he?" Sora asked.

"Dad has the final say. The problem is that even if he rules that it was false and allows you to return to your home the process itself will last several days maybe even weeks. During that time the nobles will continue to try everything they can to get what they want." The prince added.

"How much longer do we have to deal with those damn nobles?" Sora asked.

"I'm getting closer but there are a few more loose ends we need to deal with before we can finally deal with them." The Prince said.

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